Why FlexClip is the AI Video Editor You Never Knew You Needed [2024]

Why FlexClip is the AI Video Editor You Never Knew You Needed [2024]

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FlexClip Video Editor Review: The Ultimate AI Tool, You Didn’t Know You Needed! Welcome to my FlexClip video editor review, the ultimate AI tool you didn’t know that you needed. So right now, you’re looking at the FlexClip video editing software’s dashboard. What I’m going to be doing is I’m going to try to go through a pretty thorough review of this so you get a basic idea of what this video editing software can do, if it’s right for you, and then I’ll leave you a link directly below in the video description box that gives you up to 40% off. So, make sure you check that out; it’s in the video description box below if you like what you see in this video.

Why FlexClip is the AI Video Editor You Never Knew You Needed! Hit Play and Grab Your 40% off Coupon Below This Video Demo!

Overview of Projects

I’ll be going over the projects, some of my recent projects, which are on top. You can follow my mouse here, right over here. I’m going to take you through a couple of those. I’m also going to show you how to put an intro into a video, which I’ve done on this one, and show you what it looks like. We’ll go into the edit, and I’ll show you how that works. I’m going to show you the templates and all that cool stuff.

Magic Tools

Also, I’m going to show you all the magic tools here. They got an AI video generator, AI auto subtitles, AI text to speech, AI translator, AI video script. You can also record your own voice, which is pretty cool. You can also record your screen or a webcam, so it’s also a screen recording software. So basically, this is an all-in-one tool for anything that you’re going to need as far as video editing goes.


With that being said, let me show you some of these templates, and there’s a ton of them. This is one of them, Blu Tech business introduction, and you can see I’m going through all these with my mouse. I’m going to scroll through this real quick so you can kind of look at my screen and see what kind of templates they have, and there is a ton. There’s all kinds of categories, and trust me, you’re going to find what you need in FlexClip. It’s a lot of bang for the money, and it just goes on and on. There’s all kinds of different templates. So depending on what kind of video that you want, you’re going to be able to find it through here. But there’s all kinds of templates, trust me, you’ll find it.

Using Templates

I’m going to show you this one. This is a Blu Tech business introduction just to give you a basic idea of what they look like. This is it right here, and it’s got different sizes you can put it in. You hit the customize button, and then you can use this template and then personalize it to your particular business. Let me stop it now, and then this one, this template, I like a lot. This is for an intro for a YouTube video. This is what I’ve been using for my last couple of videos, and I’m going to play it right here so you can check it out. Pretty cool, right? And there’s all kinds of different intros you can use and personalize them to create your own personalized professional quality video that’s going to make you look more professional. People are going to take you more seriously. It looks like you’re a professional video editor, which you actually will be. So people will take you a lot more seriously. You’re going to get a lot more views, and hopefully, your business will make a lot more money in the process.

flexclip review and demo 2024.

Magic Tools Overview

So let me go through these right now. I’m going to go through these magic tools here real quick, and then I’m going to take you into my projects that I created using this FlexClip video editor software, and I’m going to end the video after that.

AI Auto Subtitle

This one is auto. The first one in Magic Tools is called Auto Subtitle. We’re going to click on that. You can do a manual subtitle, AI auto subtitle, and you’re going to put it into here. Obviously, I haven’t used this particular feature too much, but that’s the first one.

AI Text-to-Speech

AI text-to-speech, this one’s really cool. You can pick your language: English, Philippines, English Singapore, Filipino, they got German, Greek, I can’t even pronounce that one, Gujarati, that’s from India, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian. Basically every language you can think of they have, so you can convert your videos into whatever native language you want to go into. They got different voices. You got Jenny, Andrew, Brian. Well, I’m going to play a couple of these for you. I’m going to be quiet while it talks so you can get a feel for how professional they sound. Here’s Jenny:

“Many think that the people you list as references are already cued to say nice things about you.”

Alright, here’s Andrew:

“Sure, here are some possible slogans for a school. Feel the zest of the tropics. Mix pine. The world of literature opens doors to new worlds perspectives.”

Now the voice style, you can do General assistant, chat, customer service, newscast, angry, cheerful, sad, excited, friendly, terrified, shouting, unfriendly, whispering, hopeful. So you got all kinds of cool different voice styles you can use with this as well, which is really cool, really neat. Then you just create your video. You’re going to put your text here, and it’s going to generate scenes for your video. You can actually add audio. You can do effects, which are right here. You got different effects you can use, and there’s all kinds of effects. You go into the tools section. That was that one.

flexclip review attractive ai model and youtube logo representing video editing tools.


We’re going to go into elements now. You can add logos, subscribe button, social, heart, star, and there’s a search button, so you can look specifically for what you’re looking for, and there’s a ton of them on here.


Then you got audio. You got different audio sounds and tracks, music, SFX, love. There’s all kinds of different music you can add to your videos if you want to.


Images, you can upload your own. You got an AI image generator. You just type in your prompt, and it’ll generate the image. If you don’t have that, you can always use ChatGPT. Photos, you got business, fashion, whatever. I just do the search, and then you can type in whatever you want, and it’ll come up with relevant pictures for your video.


Videos, here you go. There’s small videos with backgrounds, wedding, all kinds of different stuff that you can use and put in there for different scenes. As you can see right here, all kinds of them.


So you got subtitles. This is the subtitle section. You got AI auto subtitle, manual subtitle, upload subtitle.


You got text where you can add headings, backgrounds, borders, modern titles, text styles. This is really cool I found when I was playing around with this. You click on the text button, click on add heading right here. We’re going to add a heading. We’ll just put in FlexClip review, and then you can switch the font up here. There’s FlexClip review, and you got Oswald. You can mess around with the fonts, or like I said, you can go to one of these, which are really cool, but this is going to give you all new text, so you can use one of these. Nice, pretty cool. That’s really cool. So you got a bunch of different options to make your video look cool, your text stand out in your videos to make it look professional.

Why FlexClip is the AI Video Editor You Never Knew You Needed [2024]
Why FlexClip is the AI Video Editor You Never Knew You Needed [2024]

Templates and Media

Then you got your templates and your media. Pretty cut and dry, very easy to use. At the top, it’s got the different sizes here. You know, your bold, your italic, your different letter casings. You can animate them. This is another cool feature that I really like. Let’s see this. Watch this burst. See how the knight comes in? Glitter, typewriter, bounce, skate. Then you got fade, you got contrast, then you got blur, and then you got some others down here: flip, scale down, loop, sway, jump, rotate. You name it, they got it. So you can mess around with that and get it specifically how you like it.

AI Translator

Alright, that’s that. Let’s go back. No, we don’t want to save this current project. Okay, we got AI translator: translate project text, translate audio to text, translate audio to audio. I have not used this section myself, but it’s going to work the same thing. It’s pretty cut and dry what you’re doing. The same thing is basically what I just did. This is so simple to use. You just go through these little features, add them into your video, and it’s going to come in down here. You can add in your audio and just create the video how you like it.

AI Video Script

We’re going to go back again. AI video script: describe the script you want to generate. Now, if you want a video about something you don’t know what you want it about, but you know the general title of it, you can put it in here, describe the script you want to generate, and then it’s going to generate the script for you and create the text for you for your video. That’s what that does. Let’s go back again.

Record Voice

You got, obviously, record voice, use your microphone. You can record your own voice. Haven’t done this yet, but obviously, it’s going to record your actual voice, where you can put it in the video instead of using one of the model voices that they have pre-installed.

Additional Templates

Okay, we’re going to go back here, and I think that’s about that. Let’s just, I’m going to go through the templates real quick, scroll down a little further so you can get a good look at all of them. I’m going to stop it right here for a couple of seconds so you can look, and then we’re going to scroll down in a minute. These are all the templates. I’m scrolling down again. I can’t even go through them all. It’s ridiculous how many different templates they have. Let’s try this one. Anyhow, very cool.

6. AI in Thumbnail Creation

Example Videos

Now, I’m going to show you some of the simple videos I made. I didn’t go all out like I’m a professional video editor. I just created a couple with intros in it, and I’m going to show you what I did. Obviously, you could probably do a lot better than what I did, but this is just to give you an idea of what this does. Alright, this is the last video I created. Well, I’m going to hit play and let it go through the first 10 seconds, and then I’m going to come back so you can actually look at what I’ve created. All this right here with the FlexClip video editor. Let me play it real quick, and I can show you how it comes in.

Adding Intros

Alright, every, and then after that, it goes right into my video tutorial, as you can see on the bottom, and then that intro is right at the beginning here. So what you do is you upload your video. There’s a little box over here, and then you add it to the project. It goes in the project, and then you select your intro, and that goes right in. Let me see if I can mess around with this real quick and show you an actual video in a second here in real time.

Quick Video Creation

This is another one I did. It’s called Spin Rewriter AI Review, and this is it right here. I’m going to play it. I’m going to be quiet for a second. You can see the intro. Hi everyone. Nothing too fancy. I got the intro, I got Spin Rewriter review up here, and at the end, I think I put another piece of content to check out Spin Rewriter review in my video description box, a reminder for people watching the video.

Creating a Logo

So now we’re going to go over to, let me see here. We’re going to go back, and this is one I created. Let me show you this one too. This is more, this is a quick video, nothing fancy at all. I could have done a lot better with this, but I put it together fast, but it’ll give you an idea. Another thing you could do with FlexClip, as you can see on the bottom, it goes through all the different pictures that are going through this video. Very cool. So we’re going to go back one more time. Let me see if I got any more I can show you real quick.

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Uploading a Video

And we’re going to do, I’m going to show you how to do this logo real quick. We’re going to browse for a video. This is one I just did yesterday. I’m going to upload it again, How to Resize Your YouTube Thumbnails. We’re going to upload it to FlexClip, and you can see it’s up here now. We’re going to add it. You hit that plus button, it adds it to the project. Now you can see it added to the 9 minutes 23 seconds. It’s adding it all right down here. Now, this is the beginning of it, so I want to add an intro to a video. I did, I just do it exactly like I just showed you. This one’s already done, but all you do is you go into your here, you go to text, choose a heading, a background, border, modern titles. We’re going to use Knight. We put Knight in there, we’ll put the best video editor. Whoops, don’t know what happened there. Let’s try this again. Here we go. I’m back on it. We’re going to try this one more time, put in best video editor. This is huge, but we can adjust the size. We go up here to adjust the size. That’s the font Yellow Tail. We’re going to go down, all the way down to 200. We’ll go down to 104 to get it small, 160. Now we’re going to get, want it bigger, 200. Say that looks good to me, it looks alright. I’d want it a little bigger actually, but I’m going to keep it the way it is. Now we want it animated. Click the animation button, and we’re going to have it do a burst, which is that one. Good to go.

Text Styles and Effects

Go to style, you could do border, shadow. That looks pretty cool. Glow, you got Echo. I don’t like that one. Double outline, you got 3D. That’s pretty cool. I think I liked shadow. Looks pretty good. I think I like that one the best. So say we want to keep it here, we’re good to go. And then you can put whatever you want. You want another text headline, go over here. So easy to use. Everything’s right on the left-hand side for your convenience. And when you’re doing this, the top ones, you’re going to have different options up here too, and then obviously, you’re going to see them down here. And these are where they’re going to be playing from left to right, end the video.

Exporting the Video

So we’re done with that. That’s basically it. You put your title, your video here. We’ll just say best video editor, best video editor software, FlexClip. Now we’re going to put that here, hit enter, and we’re good to go. That’s our video. So we want the video, we’re done with it. We’re going to click export, and it’s going to give you video, GIF, audio. The resolution, I always do 1080p, frame rate and quality. I always do recommended quality. Then you’re going to hit export, and it’s buffering your video. And it’s going to show you kind of parts of the video that buffering as it goes. It doesn’t take too long, depending on how long your video is. This one says about 9 minutes. That’s not bad at all. And then you can share it on different social sharing platforms here. There’s a download button. You want to keep it on disabled downloads. You don’t want people stealing your video, obviously. So then you can download it to your computer when it’s done, and then you upload it to YouTube from there.

Flexclip Review My Conclusion and a Special Offer

How to Create a YouTube Thumbnail Fast and Free Using ChatGPT and a Handy Tool

So I’m going to stop this one because I don’t need this video. I already have one, but it’s super easy to use. And we’re going to go back. We’re going to go back to FlexClip, and that’s it. I think I’m about done with this little review. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask me in the comment section below. If there’s something I left out, there’s a lot involved with this. It’s very, very easy to use, but there’s a lot of features, so I might have missed something. I’m sure I missed a bunch of stuff, but I tried to give you a basic idea of how to use FlexClip, the main features of it, so you can make an educated decision on if this is going to be a good investment for you and your business.

If you think it is a good investment, which I think it’s a great investment, but my opinion doesn’t matter. It’s what your opinion is. Your opinion is what matters. But there’s a 40% discount directly below, and it’s for teachers, students, and I believe just check it out. There’s a 40% discount below that you can pick up if you decide to go with FlexClip, and it’ll be right below in that video description box.

I am also giving away a free book on how to dominate YouTube, a free video editing guide myself, and that’s on my blog jaysonlinereviews.com, right on the homepage. Sign up, let me know where to send it. I’m also giving away an hour free video that shows you how to create undetectable AI content with ChatGPT that ranks. So you’re getting a free PDF of the top tools, the top, I believe the top 10 tools for video editing, and it’s got all kinds of great tips in there. It’s an excellent book. And then you’re also going to get that hour-long video on how to create undetectable content with ChatGPT that ranks. So make sure you sign up for that as well. It is free, and that’ll be below in the video description box for your convenience as well.

With that being said, I want to thank you for watching. I appreciate it. I hope this video was decent and I explained FlexClip pretty well to you so you can make an educated buying decision. If you like this video, I’d really appreciate it if you hit the thumbs up button. That helps this video rank higher in the YouTube algorithm, and it helps me out. Also, subscribe to my YouTube channel. Once again, thanks for watching and have a great day. Bye-bye.

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