How to Write A Blog Post Fast Using YouTube + ChatGPT: Quick Traffic Hack [2024]

How to Write A Blog Post Fast Using YouTube + ChatGPT: Quick Traffic Hack [2024]

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How to Write a Blog Post Fast Using YouTube + ChatGPT: Quick Traffic Hacks. Are you tired of staring at your computer screen, waiting for the muse of blogging to grace you with her presence?

Do you find yourself scrolling through endless cat videos on YouTube instead of writing that next viral blog post?

Well, fear not, fellow procrastinators! I’m about to spill the beans on a hack so good that it might just make you feel a bit guilty for not working harder (but hey, we won’t tell anyone).

Let’s face it, writing a blog post can be as daunting as trying to explain TikTok to your grandma.

But what if I told you there’s a way to cut through the noise and pump out posts faster than a teenager texts?

Enter the dynamic duo: YouTube and ChatGPT. Think Batman and Robin, but for content creation.

YouTube is like that know-it-all friend who has an answer for everything, and ChatGPT is the nerdy sidekick who writes your essays for you.

Together, they’re about to turn you into a content-creating superhero. With YouTube’s endless well of ideas and ChatGPT’s writing prowess, you’ll be churning out blog posts faster than your readers can say, “Wait, another one?”

So, grab your cape (or just a comfy chair), and let’s embark on this journey of quick and witty blogging.

By the end, you’ll be wondering why you ever stressed about content creation in the first place. Ready, set, blog!

But first, let me introduce myself.

Hi everyone, Jay here, and welcome to my video on how to write the perfect blog post faster using YouTube.

Now, I have a YouTube channel, obviously, and if you do, that’s a plus.

If you don’t, no big deal. You need to get yourself maybe a microphone of some sorts or something you can record your voice with.

How To Video: How to Write A Blog Post Fast Using YouTube + ChatGPT: Quick Traffic Hacks [2024]

Helpful Resources For Bloggers

➡️ Unlock the Secrets of AI Blogging: Join Our Exclusive Free ChatGPT Masterclass Now! [LIMITED TIME OFFER – 2024] 🚀🔥 Transform Your Business and Achieve Unprecedented Rankings in Just 60 Minutes!” Resources For Blogging Productivity:

➡️ Create Undetectable AI Content In Minutes My Secret Weapon!

➡️ My Blogging secret weapon used by the pros: P.S. All the hard work is done for you. Find millions of hand-picked low-competition blogging keywords that rank!

Step By Step Directions For You Readers Out There: How To Video: How to Write A Blog Post Fast Using YouTube + ChatGPT: Quick Traffic Hacks

Preparing Your YouTube Content

You’re going to need to upload this to YouTube and you’re going to have to follow a few key steps. We’re going to turn your YouTube video into a blog post, get that blog post indexed first, and then we’re going to come over to YouTube and get your YouTube video indexed.

Really good job humanizing; you’re going to have two traffic sources for every piece of content you make. That’ll get you more traffic, leads, sales, and everything else.

Utilizing YouTube for Blog Content

So, I use a couple of tips and tricks and why I’m doing it like this. Obviously, it’s smart, and it saves me a lot of time. It’s all about time-saving ability. So what you’re going to need to do is when you’re creating YouTube videos, obviously, you’re going to want to make sure they are 98% accurate.

Do not publish your YouTube video right away. You’re going to want to put it as unlisted.

Managing YouTube Settings for Blog Integration

Managing YouTube Settings for Blog Integration
How To Write A Blog Post Fast Using Youtube + Chatgpt: Quick Traffic Hack [2024] 1

If you’re familiar with YouTube, they have a private option, an unlisted option, and a public option. So, when you go through the steps I’m telling you what to do here in this video, you’re going to want to put it as unlisted.

That way it doesn’t get indexed in the search engines, and it’s not going to be seen as duplicate content and all that. Then, you’re going to come back at a later time after you create your blog post and you’re going to want to, um, I’m also going to leave all my tools that I use for blogging on a daily basis that you can find useful below this video, as well as a free course.

Leveraging AI for Content Creation

So, you’ll definitely want to get your hands on that. It’s almost an hour long, and it’s going to show you how to turn AI content into human content. The number one recommended by Forbes, um, how to make that human so it’s gets ranked in Google, gets traffic, leads, and sales for your business.

I will tell you some helpful tips to go with that. Let me dive into this blog post, this video I should say. I will turn this into a blog post and a video and show you how I’m exactly doing it.

Now you’ll find it useful like I said, so here we go.

The Process of Creating a Blog Post from a YouTube Video

Now, I’m on my video right here. It’s called “The Best Chat GPT Humanizer: Humanize Chat GPT Writing Content and Text Easily in Minutes.” This is one of the many videos I created, and when I originally created it, it was unlisted for the first few hours or so, then I made it public, and I’m going to show you why here in a second.

So the first thing you’re going to do is record a YouTube video and all that good stuff. Publish it, not publish it—well, publish it but not make it public you want to make it on unlisted.

Extracting and Utilizing the Youtube Video Transcript For Your Blog Post

How to Write A Blog Post Fast Using YouTube + ChatGPT: Quick Traffic Hack [2024] ai blogging
How To Write A Blog Post Fast Using Youtube + Chatgpt: Quick Traffic Hack [2024] 2

Got it? Here is what you do. You paste your content so it doesn’t get indexed by YouTube at a readability level.

Then your second step is going to be, you’re going to want to scroll down, depending on what kind of writing you’re doing in the description box down here.

You’re going to want to find your transcript, which is right here. Follow along using the transcript. We’re going to click show transcript, and this is our transcript.

It’s going to pop up on the top right, and there’s usually a toggle button here. Check it out, uh, I already got rid of it. You’re going to want to toggle it. There’s the little, you know, dots next to it, say toggle timestamps, so you get just the text, which is this.

You want to check that out, you’re going to want to copy all the text from your video.

Next Steps To Speed Up Your Blogging Process

Now, we’re going to go over to Chat GPT, where the magic happens.

In the next section, I’ll point you in the right direction. I’ll also leave those links. I’m already on Chat GPT. I’ve already put in the prompt I’m going to use for the blog post and what I wrote.

Utilizing Chat GPT for Blogging

I’m going to read it to you. There are tools you can check out, and then we’re going to take this forward. You can use this with GPT-3, the free version. I use the Chat GPT paid version. If you’re blogging, I recommend you get that. It’s a 20 bucks a month investment.

But if you can’t, no big deal, it works both ways.

Crafting the Perfect Blog Post Using My ChatGPT Prompt

How to Write A Blog Post Fast Using YouTube + ChatGPT: Quick Traffic Hack [2024] ai blogging
How To Write A Blog Post Fast Using Youtube + Chatgpt: Quick Traffic Hack [2024] 3

In my next video, what I got here is, I put a prompt in, and I’m going to read it to you. It says, “I created a YouTube video. I copied the transcript, and I want you to turn it into a blog post that is formatted correctly with proper spelling and grammar and breaks up the text after every two sentences.

I also want you to keep the exact same word count. I want headers to be placed in the content, and if you can resize to actual header size, then that is a plus. Here is the text to rewrite, keep the text as is, no word changes, please.”

And then I pasted my YouTube transcript there. I’m using my tone; it’s formal. My writing style is persuasive for this example.

Choosing the Right ChatGPT Tone and Style

Let’s see here, to get the most human-sounding content that stands out, passes AI detectors, I like to use humor in the tone most of the time. But it’s going to all depend on what you’re talking about exactly, as to what tone you’re going to use.

And then you got different effects you can use to make it stand out. Persuasive is a good one, or creative. It’s a great tool. So, how about doing, like I said, it’s going to depend on what you’re writing about, but humorous gives you the best human-sounding content that’ll pass AI detection. But I’m going to use formal for this video.

Finalizing and Enhancing Your Blog Post Using The Powers Of ChatGPT

Finalizing and Enhancing Your Blog Post Using The Powers Of ChatGPT
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We’re going to go to alright, all that’s pasted in there, and we’re going to let Chat GPT work its magic for these, and you want actual tools. We’re going to turn this transcript into a blog post we can work with.

See if they got some hammers or something like that in here. And there we go, and here we go now, we click on the little uh, discovering the best AI detection tool, and remember, you can always go in here and edit your content a little bit.

This is just going to save you a ton of time. Add something to it, and it’s working, it’s putting my headers in, making it stand out, it’s breaking up the sentences because this is a great tool for creating stunning blog posts.

So everything looks good. I’ve already copied this one on top because I did it previously.

Crafting a Title for Your Blog Post

Tool, here, and we’re going to go over to a blog. Uh, we’re going to go over to my blog post, and we’re going to come up with another title.

Now, when you create your YouTube video, I told you to put it as unlisted for a reason so it doesn’t get indexed.

You’re going to want to get your blog post indexed first so it’s not on YouTube as well and seen as duplicate content.

I don’t know how YouTube works with that. I’m assuming it would be duplicate content, so we want to avoid that at all costs.

Creating Unique Blog Post Titles for SEO Purposes

Creating Unique Blog Post Titles for SEO Purposes.
How To Write A Blog Post Fast Using Youtube + Chatgpt: Quick Traffic Hack [2024] 5

So we want to publish on our blog first and then YouTube. So we’re going to want to come up with a different title that’s closely related to our YouTube title.

Just do your keyword research. Um, it’s going to, um, that way we’re not, you know, the same title for both of them because that’s kind of pointless, and they’re competing against each other.

It’s going to be, you know, for this, what’s, what this, do you know something semantically related, not exact. So you’re going to be, you’ll be ranking for two different terms, and you’ll be getting keyword traffic from, you know, Google in two different places if done right, low competition, and all that good stuff.

You know, that works.

Enhancing Your Blog with Graphics

We’re going to put our title here, graphic, uh, we’ll just use these. These are the cutouts, and you got all these different workout to make it look more professional. Create graphics, AI content, and photos you can use.

Do Fitness, you know, I mean, there’s a ton of options you can use. You got to play with the tool.

We’ll do 2024, click on whenever you find one you like, add to Canvas. Obviously, I’ll come up with a better title than that, but this is just to show you how this is done for demonstration purposes.

Final Touches and SEO Optimization

Final Touches and SEO Optimization.
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We’re, what you’re going to want to do now is go in here, obviously SEO optimize it, check over your wording because a lot of times the transcripts, there’s some words that are off. You’re going to want to go through that and make sure everything’s up, just like this, which it only takes you a few minutes.

I want this video to get too long. YouTube is pretty good at exactly doing the transcripts. Most of it’s going to be correct, so it won’t take you very long. Add your pictures in, put your keywords in the pictures, all that good stuff.

Then optimize your blog post tags, you know how to do that, you probably know how to do all that stuff.

Additional Resources and Publishing

Most, most everybody watching this video is going to know how to do that. When you’re done with it, but if you don’t, just watch a beginner SEO video or check out my blog. Do a search on my blog,, about topics related to SEO and how to publish blog posts and all that good stuff, and it’ll, I’ll help you out as far as that goes.

Uh, you’re going to want to publish your blog post, obviously. Then you’re going to want to get your URL, which will be up here. Most of you are going to know what that is.

Download, you’re going to want to copy that, and then your last step is going to be, you’re going to want to go over to the Google Web Master tools, which is better known as Google Search Console.

Leveraging Google Search Console To Get Your Blog Posts Indexed In Minutes!

Leveraging Google Search Console To Get Your Blog Posts Indexed In Minutes!
How To Write A Blog Post Fast Using Youtube + Chatgpt: Quick Traffic Hack [2024] 7

Fire that up there, real easy to do. If you don’t have your site registered with your YouTube video, make sure you do that as soon as possible. Go through the steps, get it verified.

It’ll tell you how much traffic you’re getting, and it’s going to tell you all your metrics, what keywords you’re ranking for, all that good stuff.

Another great thing about it is you’re going to be able to index your blog post in literally minutes.

And when you publish a blog post instead of waiting, you know, days, or weeks, or months, or whoever knows how long it’s going to take Google to come to your site, you’re going to go over, use Google Search Console. You can see, we got wallpaper to phone wallpapers, BL URL from your blog post inside there, and then make sure, and then you submit it to be indexed.

Final Steps for Indexing and Publishing Your Blog Post

Once you do that final step, we’re going to want blog graphics; your blog post should be indexed within minutes, different, if not within an hour at the latest. Then you just go back over to the Google Search Console once you index it or put it in for indexing and check, and it’ll tell you your content has been indexed.

It’ll tell you if your content has been indexed, not like, use, make sure it says your content has been indexed, then proceed to the last step. The last step in this process is going to be for you to head back over to your YouTube video.

Updating Your YouTube Video To Public

Updating Your YouTube Video To Public.
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Now we’re going to want to go into the edit function in the YouTube video, and we’re going to want to change the YouTube video from unlisted to public. Now, once we do that, it’s going to tell, um, Google to index it, and it’s going to start getting traffic. It’s going to be showing up in their search results, uh, and you can share it and all that, all that stuff.

Maximizing Blog Traffic Through The Dual Content Strategy

And you’re going to have two pieces of content driving you traffic, leads, and ultimately sales. So this is a great tip that I’m using now to speed things up with my blogging since there’s so much AI out there. We need all the tips we can, you know, have to make our content as original as possible.

There’s nothing wrong with AI content as long as it’s done right. I do it, but it’s edited a lot, and I do it in a certain way, which I’ll show you in my course.

Final Remarks and Additional Resources

Make sure you check that out, link directly below, some good resources you need to check out that’ll help you with your blogging and your like, I said, using Chad GPT. It will help you out a lot with that, how to create blog posts the right way that is going to pass AI detection.

Um, so that’s it. Yeah, put it as public, make sure that blog post is indexed, we’re going to, and your Google Web Master tools or Google Search Console, it’ll tell you, like I said, most of you’re going to be familiar with that.

Then your last step is going to be able to come over here once your blog post is indexed and put it back to the public, and then you can share it from there. What we’re going to do here, um, if you got followers, you can share to your followers and all that good stuff.

Conclusion How To Video: How to Write A Blog Post Fast Using YouTube + ChatGPT: Quick Traffic Hacks

How to Write A Blog Post Fast Using YouTube + ChatGPT: Quick Traffic Hack [2024] ai blogging
How To Write A Blog Post Fast Using Youtube + Chatgpt: Quick Traffic Hack [2024] 9

That’s how to write the perfect blog post faster using ChatGPT and YouTube for faster traffic gains.

I should put Chat GPT in this title. I might have to modify this title a little bit before I publish this video, but we’re going to find a, yeah, all you’re going to do is tell Chat GPT to break up your text, like so, we’re going to click the effect, every couple of sentences break it up.

Also, you don’t want big blocks of text there; it does not look good, and if you’re running ads, it will interfere with your monetization, affiliate links, and all that stuff.

Add something else to this graphic real quick, tell them to, you know, put periods in the right spot, and they usually do that anyways, capital letters where they’re supposed to go, clean it up with the headers where they’re supposed to go, and you can use, you can turn those YouTube videos that are unlisted into blog posts, they get indexed, go after low competition phrases, that are easier to rank for obviously.

Final Tips for Effective Faster Blogging @ Subscribe To My Youtube Channel

How to Write A Blog Post Fast Using YouTube + ChatGPT: Quick Traffic Hack [2024] ai blogging
How To Write A Blog Post Fast Using Youtube + Chatgpt: Quick Traffic Hack [2024] 10

About and they’re both going to drive you traffic, you’re going to get traffic from that YouTube video, you’ll get traffic from that blog post as well.

So I hope you like this video. I hope it provided a lot of value for you in the future. But much about it, please share the video if you found it useful, please subscribe to my YouTube channel, I’d appreciate it, and please check out that course below.

I put a lot of time and effort into it. If you use Chat GPT at all, you’re going to find it very useful. And like I said, I’ll leave some resources below that you can also check out that are helpful for blogging that I use, as well as keyword research tool and all that kind of stuff that I use.

So, working out, yeah, thanks for watching. I’ll see you in my next video and have a great day, bye-bye.

Helpful Blogging Keyword Research Tool I Use On A Daily Basis For Faster Blogging and Higher SEO Rankings. P.S. Do Not Forget To Subscribe To My YouTube Channel For All Future Video Updates.

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How to Write A Blog Post Fast Using YouTube + ChatGPT: Quick Traffic Hack [2024] ai bloggingHow to Write A Blog Post Fast Using YouTube + ChatGPT: Quick Traffic Hack [2024] ai blogging

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