![Clickbank Review: New, Detailed, Eye-Opening Glimpse Inside [2024] Clickbank Review PLR Funnels Banner](https://jaysonlinereviews.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/1200X630-plr-6.jpg)
Clickbank Review The $4 Billion Plus Dollar Digital Affiliate Network Revealed And Reviewed.
As a 15-year affiliate marketer and with thousands of affiliate sales under my belt throughout that 15-year timespan.
I have a lot of experience dealing with various affiliate networks throughout the years, and the Clickbank marketplace is no exception to this rule!
With thousands and thousands of top-selling digital products and physical affiliate products for affiliates to promote in multiple categories, Clickbank is sure to have the perfect affiliate products for you to promote to your audience.
From powerhouse niches like health and fitness to e-business and e-marketing, all the way through the cooking and the self-help niche categories.
Start throwing in 20 other high-demand niche categories that the Clickbank marketplace carries.
You have the recipe for the Amazon of the digital World for affiliate marketers from all walks of life.
There is definitely no shortage of products for affiliates to find and promote inside the Clickbank marketplace.
There are also many physical type Clickbank products to choose from, especially in the health and fitness niche that I have noticed.
A few of these health and fitness Clickbank products I even promote myself, and they convert very well.
Inside my Clickbank review Q + A, I will be answering questions that beginner affiliate marketers who are thinking of starting their own affiliate marketing business would be looking for answers to their questions.
So, they are prepared to sign up, find the right affiliate products to promote, know when they will get paid from Clickbank, get the right Clickbank affiliate marketing training, and last but not least!
Learn how to make the most money possible by promoting affiliate products from the Clickbank marketplace.
I am also offering my full free affiliate marketing training course that shows you step-by-step how to make your first Clickbank affiliate sales online delivered to your favorite email address on the link above.
Let’s learn how to start a business online promoting the hottest-selling Clickbank products.
Let’s start my Clickbank review Q + A
![Clickbank Review: New, Detailed, Eye-Opening Glimpse Inside [2024] Clickbank Review Clickbank Review: [ New Detailed Eye Opening ]](https://jaysonlinereviews.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Clickbank-Review-New-Detailed-Eye-Opening-.jpg)
My Clickbank Review Q+A – Random Questions About Clickbank Answered From Around The Internet
![Clickbank Review: New, Detailed, Eye-Opening Glimpse Inside [2024] Clickbank Review clickbank review](https://jaysonlinereviews.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/image-19.jpg)
Clickbank Review – How Much Does It Cost To Join Clickbank?
Clickbank is absolutely free to join and will cost you nada, zero, zilch to join as an affiliate marketer.
Affiliate marketers can choose between 10,000 + digital and physical products that will usually pay you 50 to 75% per affiliate sale.
P.S. That does not include commissions on upsells, downsells, or recurring income you can earn depending on the Clickbank products you promote.
Clickbank Review – Is Clickbank Safe To Use?
![Clickbank Review: New, Detailed, Eye-Opening Glimpse Inside [2024] Clickbank Review Clickbank reviews picture of wallet money and digital marketing picture.](https://jaysonlinereviews.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Clickbank-Review-New-Detailed-Eye-Opening-1-1.jpg)
Yes, Clickbank is 100% safe to use!
Clickbank is a major American affiliate network based in Boise, Idaho.
In fact: Clickbank has paid out well over $3 Billion dollars to affiliates worldwide since it first burst onto the scene 23 plus years ago as of this writing.
Here is a Google Maps lookup of Clickbank headquarters in Boise, Idaho, with a picture of the Clickbank building and all of Clickbank’s contact information Click here to see Clickbank on Google maps.
Clickbank Review – What Is Clickbank, And How Long Has It Been Around?
![Clickbank Review: New, Detailed, Eye-Opening Glimpse Inside [2024] Clickbank Review Clickbank Review - What Is Clickbank And How Long Has It Been Around?](https://jaysonlinereviews.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Clickbank-Review-New-Detailed-Eye-Opening-1-2.jpg)
Clickbank is a major payment processor – a major digital affiliate network player in the digital marketing world with a huge database of thousands of products for affiliates to choose from to promote.
The Clickbank marketplace was a startup company way back in 1997 and continues to grow to astronomical heights to this day.
You should obviously choose Clickbank products that are high quality, sell well, and, if possible, buy the Clickbank product yourself to ensure the quality of the product that you are promoting.
If buying the Clickbank product yourself is not feasible [ which I understand it can get expensive ], Then search the various Clickbank reviews from around the Internet about the quality of the potential Clickbank product you are considering promoting.
The general consensus from the Clickbank reviews is that the product is good and worth buying.
In that case, you can promote that particular Clickbank product as an affiliate without worrying about your Clickbank refunds being through the roof.
Clickbank Review – Is Clickbank.Com Legit?
![Clickbank Review: New, Detailed, Eye-Opening Glimpse Inside [2024] Clickbank Review Clickbank Review - Is Clickbank.Com Legit?](https://jaysonlinereviews.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Clickbank-Review-New-Detailed-Eye-Opening-1-3.jpg)
Not only is Clickbank legit, but they have paid out over $4.2 Billion dollars in affiliate commissions to affiliates from around the world since its start way back in 1997.
Clickbank is a great affiliate network with a ton of affiliate products that you can choose to promote in various niches, from E-Business and E-Marketing, Health @ Fitness, Games, Cooking, Self Help, and about 20 other categories you can choose to find quality affiliate products to promote for your affiliate marketing business.
Based on my Clickbank review and years of personal experience working with the Clickbank affiliate network.
I can say without a doubt that Clickbank is not only legit, but it is one of the best places to find high-paying digital products to promote for your affiliate marketing business.
There is a ton of potential affiliate products and services to choose from.
P.S. There are crappy products on the Clickbank network and many golden nuggets, like with all affiliate networks.
So, do your research.
I myself; only like to promote Clickbanks best selling products on the first few pages of whatever category or niche where I am researching Clickbank affiliate products to promote for my business.
Clickbank Review – How And When Does Clickbank Pay Affiliate Marketers?
![Clickbank Review: New, Detailed, Eye-Opening Glimpse Inside [2024] Clickbank Review Clickbank Review - How And When Does Clickbank Pay Affiliate Marketers?](https://jaysonlinereviews.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Clickbank-Review-New-Detailed-Eye-Opening-1-4.jpg)
After you meet the C.D.R. requirement for payment ( As Discussed Below ) Clickbank payments are made every other Wednesday by default to the payment processor of your choice. Get paid by check, Payoneer, wire transfer, or direct deposit.
Click Here For Clickbanks when do I get paid explanation.
Clickbank Review – List Of Clickbank Pro’s And Cons
![Clickbank Review: New, Detailed, Eye-Opening Glimpse Inside [2024] Clickbank Review Clickbank Review - List Of Clickbank Pro's And Cons](https://jaysonlinereviews.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Clickbank-Review-New-Detailed-Eye-Opening-1-5.jpg)
Pro’s Of Clickbank
- Clickbank is a one-stop shop for 1,000’s and 1,000’s of affiliate products and services in multiple top-selling niches for you to choose from.
- Clickbank is an American company based out of Boise, Idaho, that has been around for over 20 years, which is a long, long time.
- The Clickbank marketplace is rock solid and available in over 200 countries from around the World.
- Clickbank payments to affiliates is super easy once you have direct deposit setup with your bank account.
- Clickbank is a legit multi-billion dollar company that grows year after year.
- Clickbank pays out 4 different ways: check direct deposit, wire transfer, or Payoneer. Giving you a wide range of ways to get paid!
- Clickbank is a legitimate, well-respected company in the Internet marketing World.
- Clickbank has its own Clickbank coaching course called Clickbank University 2.0. It is taught by 2 millionaires Clickbank hired and attached their names to the training due to these 2 Clickbank affiliate marketers’ massive success on the Clickbank marketplace and through affiliate marketing in general.
Clickbank Review – The Cons Of Clickbank
![Clickbank Review: New, Detailed, Eye-Opening Glimpse Inside [2024] Clickbank Review Clickbank Review - The Cons Of Clickbank](https://jaysonlinereviews.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Clickbank-Review-New-Detailed-Eye-Opening-1-6.jpg)
- CDR – The customer distribution requirement of Clickbank says that new affiliates must get 5 affiliates sales from 2 different payment methods for their first payment. This requirement is not hard and prevents fraud from occurring on the Clickbank network, like buying affiliate products through your own affiliate link and gaming the system in one way, shape of form. I understand why ClickBank implemented the CDR requirement, but it could also deter some affiliates from joining the ClickBank marketplace. With over 10,000 affiliates, they probably do not care so much.
- Clickbank Low-Quality Products – The vast majority of Clickbank products are top-notch and well worth the investment. Still, there are some low-quality Clickbank products inside the ClickBank marketplace as well. This goes for all affiliate networks, not just Clickbank, so research before buying or promoting any Clickbank product.
- High Competition – With over 10,000 affiliates on Clickbank, competition from some of the best-selling Clickbank products can be fierce. But where there is competition, there is money. Don’t let ClickBank competition scare you. It’s a good thing in a lot of ways.
Is Clickbank Still Profitable In 2024?
![Clickbank Review: New, Detailed, Eye-Opening Glimpse Inside [2024] Clickbank Review Is Clickbank Still Profitable In 2024?](https://jaysonlinereviews.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Clickbank-Review-New-Detailed-Eye-Opening-1-7.jpg)
Yes, Clickbank is extremely profitable in 2024 and will continue to be profitable in 2024 and years into the future.
In terms of overall profits, and I could be wrong!
But the top 3 would be the Amazon associates program, CJ.com, and the Clickbank marketplace.
If you’re looking to promote strictly physical-type affiliate products like what you would find on Amazon, you may want to consider the first 2 listed above before Clickbank.
Note: Clickbank does have quite a few physical products, but its main focus is the digital marketing World.
F.Y.I. You will make much more money promoting digital products like the one Clickbank offers than you would physical-type products like on the Amazon associates program, for example.
Moving on with my Clickbank review.
Clickbank Review – Can You Really Make Money With Clickbank?
![Clickbank Review: New, Detailed, Eye-Opening Glimpse Inside [2024] Clickbank Review Clickbank Review - Can You Really Make Money With Clickbank?](https://jaysonlinereviews.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Clickbank-Review-New-Detailed-Eye-Opening-1-8.jpg)
Yes, you can potentially make a lot of money promoting Clickbank products, as I have done through various networks like Clickbank and JVZoo in the past 13 years.
However, I have put a lot of work into my affiliate marketing business as well.
Be prepared to learn and build your side business as an affiliate marketer using Clickbank and other affiliate networks.
This is a business. Treat it as such, or it will just turn into a hobby, and you won’t make much money.
A hobby is fine, but a potentially lucrative affiliate marketing business is much better!
And a whole lot more satisfying that one day you may be able to look back and be proud of your accomplishments and say.
I built my affiliate marketing business with my bare hands, blood, sweat, and perseverance, and I shed some tears along the way.
Now, look how much money my affiliate marketing business is generating!
And I did!
I remember when it all started through Clickbank when I read this little Clickbank review on the Internet.
How satisfying would that feel?
![Clickbank Review: New, Detailed, Eye-Opening Glimpse Inside [2024] Clickbank Review Clickbank Review - Can You Really Make Money With Clickbank?](https://jaysonlinereviews.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Clickbank-Review-New-Detailed-Eye-Opening-1-9.jpg)
You can be that other guy or girl who takes a different path, gives up way too easily, doesn’t want to put the work in, and ends up flipping fries at your local Mcdonalds.
No offense to McDonald’s fry flippers. We all need them, and they have their purpose in society.
But I think you will agree with me when I say I think you would want to be the first choice of those 2 options.
Your ClickBank journey starts with your first Clickbank affiliate sale and the right affiliate marketing training.
So, let’s move on with my Clickbank review, and I will give you a few tips on how to get started with Clickbank.
Like how to pick the perfect Clickbank products to promote.
Learn all about the JVZoo affiliate network as well as the Amazon associates program.
Plus, last but definitely not least!
Learn how long does it take to make money with Clickbank.
Learn as well how to make money with the Clickbank marketplace and affiliate marketing in general.
Moving on with my Clickbank review!
Clickbank Review – How Long Does It Take To Make Money With Clickbank?
![Clickbank Review: New, Detailed, Eye-Opening Glimpse Inside [2024] Clickbank Review Clickbank Review - How Long Does It Take To Make Money With Clickbank?](https://jaysonlinereviews.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Clickbank-Review-New-Detailed-Eye-Opening-1-10.jpg)
If you are starting out as an affiliate marketer, you will have to go through what we call the affiliate marketing world as a learning curve.
You are going to have to sign up for the Clickbank marketplace.
You are going to have to pick the perfect Clickbank products to promote.
You are going to have to learn how to create clickable affiliate links.
Then, you must put your affiliate products and services in front of the right audience.
These are the 4 basic steps for any beginner affiliate marketer.
Then, when you get the basics down, you may want to start a blog or website to promote your Clickbank products and services.
Then, you will definitely want to start an email list because that is where the majority of the money that you make online will directly come from.
As you can see, there is much to learn to make your first Clickbank sales as an affiliate marketer.
You could make your first affiliate sale in a few days, or it could take you a few months or even a few years to make your first affiliate sales online.
It took me a whole year because I was pigheaded and didn’t want to get the proper Clickbank training to speed up my learning curve drastically.
Don’t be me!
Invest in yourself!
Trust me, it is well worth the small investment to save yourself a lot of time and make a lot more money promoting Clickbank products and services.
I will end my Clickbank review with my free affiliate marketing how-to guide video below to show you how all this affiliate marketing stuff works!
You can get my full affiliate marketing training course directly under the video.
Grab My Full Clickbank affiliate marketing training course by clicking here.
Clickbank Review My Final Thoughts
![Clickbank Review: New, Detailed, Eye-Opening Glimpse Inside [2024] Clickbank Review Clickbank Reviews My Final Thoughts.](https://jaysonlinereviews.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Clickbank-Review-New-Detailed-Eye-Opening-1-11.jpg)
Why Clickbank Deserves Your Attention: The Honest Reviews from Affiliates and Vendors. If you’re looking to make money online, Clickbank is one of the places you might consider.
So, let’s dive into some real Clickbank reviews and see what affiliates and vendors really think about this marketplace.
Trust us; you’ll want to know.
First, let’s talk about the affiliates. These people promote products and make a commission when someone buys through their link.
Most affiliates love Clickbank. Why? Because joining is super easy, and there’s a massive range of products to choose from.
Want to promote a digital course on cooking? Clickbank has it.
Interested in marketing a fitness guide? Yep, you can find that too.
But not everything is perfect. Some Clickbank reviews from affiliates indicate that some products aren’t that great.
You have to be careful when picking what to promote; otherwise, you might end up recommending something that’s not worth the money.
And that’s not good for anyone.
Now, let’s shift to the vendors—the people who actually sell products on Clickbank.
The vendors also have a lot of love for this platform. Getting set up and selling your product is fairly straightforward.
Plus, Clickbank gives you access to customers from all over the world.
Your product could reach people you never even thought about!
However, vendors have their issues too. One of the biggest headaches is refunds.
Clickbank has a very relaxed money-back policy.
That means customers can ask for their money back pretty easily, which can be stressful for vendors.
Oh, and let’s not forget about fees. Clickbank takes a cut from every sale you make.
Some vendors think the fees are too high, which can affect your profits.
So, should you give Clickbank a try? The Clickbank reviews are mixed, but many people have found success there.
If you’re an affiliate, it’s a simple way to dive into the world of online marketing.
If you’re a vendor, it’s an excellent platform to sell your digital products, even if you have to deal with some challenges like refunds and fees.
In the end, Clickbank has been around for over 20 years. That’s a long time in the world of online marketplaces!
So, they must be doing something right. Whether you’re an affiliate or a vendor, Clickbank might just be the opportunity you’ve been looking for.
Give it a shot; you could be the next Clickbank success story!
With thousands and thousands of digital products at your fingertips and an easy way to get your money when you do start generating affiliate sales.
In conclusion;
Clickbank is one of the best affiliate programs for beginners, intermediate, and seasoned super affiliate marketers to find the perfect affiliate products and services to promote for their personal online businesses.
Clickbank definitely gets my 2 thumbs up!
What Have Your Experiences Been Like As A Clickbank Affiliate?
Let Me Hear Your Clickbank Review And Thoughts In The Comments Section Below.
![Clickbank Review: New, Detailed, Eye-Opening Glimpse Inside [2024] Clickbank Review Traffic ID: See Who Is on Your Website Without Opt-in](https://jaysonlinereviews.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/image-2025-02-16T103648.328.jpg)