Content At Scale Review

Content At Scale Review – The Honest New And Exclusive Behind The Scenes Look!

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Hi everyone, jay here, and welcome to my Content at Scale Review is this the future of Content marketing?

What I’m going to be covering in my Content at Scale Review, I’m going to give you a brief rundown of what Content at Scale is and what separates this AI content writing technology from anything that is on the market today.

It’s going to be a little brief run down here on their home page.

I will also take you through some of the projects I’ve been working on in my first month using Content at Scale.

I will tell you what you can use it for besides just publishing blog posts.

Obviously, as the name is Content at Scale scaling Your Content Creation and Content Writing, you can also use it for several other things like building backlinks and getting content out there that’s not just on your blog or website.

So I’m going to be taking you through that. I’m going to show you how to use Content at Scale.

I’m also going to go through my newest post for this video tutorial to show you the quality of the content that it spits out, how it’s SEO optimized, and all that good stuff and ready for you to publish.

Content At Scale Review - The Honest New And Exclusive Behind The Scenes Look! content at scale
Content At Scale Review – The Honest New And Exclusive Behind The Scenes Look!

So, with that being said, we’ll dive into this content at scale review.

If you like what you see in this content at scale review, the link for Content at Scale will be directly below this video.

For your convenience. Just click on that link, and it’ll take you over to Content at Scale, and you can try this out for yourself.

And I know it’ll help you scale your content marketing business exponentially.

Content At Scale Review [ My Full Video Demonstration Of Content At Scale And My Shocking Results You Must See For Yourself!

What Is Content At Scale Exactly? How Can It Help Speed Up Your Content Marketing?

So, with that being said, let me dive in here and show you what Content at Scale is all about.

This is the home page here. It says content at scale. Obviously, the future of content marketing, and the future is now.

It’s in the beta phase.

So it’s just going to get even better and better, which is crazy because I’m going to show you how good this content is that this AI technology generates.

It’s ridiculous.

I’m super, super impressed with it. Anyways, I’m going to show you that in a second here.

But it’s just in the beta phase, so it’s going to get better and better as time goes on, which is ridiculous.

What Does Content At Scales Homepage Say About Their Content Generation A.I. Software?

What Does Content At Scales Homepage Say About Their Content Generation A.I. Software?

So, join the beta and completely revolutionize the way you do content marketing for as little as a penny a word.

You can’t get any cheaper than that.

You can add up to 100 keywords you want to rank for and get back 100 high-quality and SEO-optimized blog posts within just a few minutes, posts, articles, whatever you want to call them.

And they are all practically published, ready out of the box.

Unlike other AI writing tools that are just a layer on top of GPT-3, I have no idea what that is. Sounds good, though.

But this uses three AI engines and natural language processing with semantic analysis algorithms to learn the context for the keyword and deliver an entire post from start to finish with no human intervention at all.

There’s a video demo of content at scale and how to use the software on the homepage.

He probably breaks it down much better than I will, but I will do my best to show you how to use this content-generation software. And then, as I said, if you want to check this out for yourself, feel free to do so.

It’s my job to show you how it works, and then you can decide on if it’s right for you and your business to scale your content marketing.

Content At Scale Review Behind The Scenes Inside My Dashboard

Content At Scale Review Behind The Scenes Inside My Dashboard

So with that being said, let’s dive into the dashboard of content and scale. You can see I’m on it right here.

These are some of the projects I worked on. I created one post in this one, three in this one, and another one down here.

We’re going to go into this one in a second here.

I created the post ahead of time because it takes a minute.

Once you enter the keywords and all that stuff, it will take a few minutes for it to generate the post.

So I don’t want you sitting around when I’m doing a video tutorial and sitting here waiting for two minutes with the blank screen.

So I created the post in advance, but I will go into that again here.

But I will show you what you need to do to start using content at scale.

How To Create Publish Ready Content Inside The Content At Scale Dashboard

How To Create Publish Ready Content Inside The Content At Scale Dashboard

The first thing you’re going to do is click New Project. And then, there are the project details for the best AI output.

Each website where the content we publish should be its own project. So if you’re using this for one website, that URL is here.

You will create a new project for each if you have numerous websites where you want to use content at scale.

Okay, we’re going to put the project or company name.

I’ll put my main blog here for demonstration purposes. Access project name.

I put it in the wrong field here. We’re going to copy that. We’re going to do a project, company, or website name. Yeah, you can just put Jay’s online reviews. We’ll do that. The project URL already got copied and pasted.

We’re going to paste that here. Obviously, that’s going to be your site. Whatever URL of the site you’re using will be in that box.

It is a pretty self-explanatory project context, which is strongly recommended.

This helps shape the contact content of all keywords within the project and the call to action that gets generated.

So this will show up on every blog post you publish related to whatever you are all using here.

So make sure it’s good. Four to eight words. Describe what the website is about.

My website is product reviews and will say Internet marketing stuff as general as possible.

How many posts per month depends on which package you choose to get its options.

You don’t have to put anything in here. It’ll give you a set amount of posts you could publish per month.

But if you plan on doing them all in the same URL, you can put that in here.

But if you don’t know what you will do, you can leave it blank. It is not a big deal

.I’m going to put 20. Now we’re going to click Create project already exists. I already have a project with this URL.

So that’s what you’re going to do just put your URL in here, monthly posts, and all that good stuff. It’s pretty cut and dry.

Now we’re going back to my projects, and I will show you one of the articles that were generated using the content at scale AI software.

So, now we’re going to go into the view project. Up here, you can see there are three total posts.

This is my plumbers site. It’s a local plumbing site. This is unrelated; I’m just using it for demonstration purposes.

Could you put it on here?I know it’s not related, but this one right here, these two are related, obviously.

And this one is totally off the wall. But I’m using it just for this tutorial video to show you guys how well this content-generating ai software works.

Anyways, it’s the best fish finder for pontoon boats A buying guide.

All right, that’s the title of the post. Words 1800 and 511 headings paragraph 48, status pending optimization.

So what you’re going to do is enter your keywords right here. You put your keywords in, and you can see there’s one right there.

I just started, and it’s going to generate an article for you.

So my keyword for this particular post was the best Fish Finder for Pontoon Boats.

content at scale

That’s all I entered in the keyword area, and then I Clicked Create a post, and this article was actually generated for me within, I’d say, five minutes it was done.

So its status is pending optimization.

That means I have to go in there and check it out, make sure everything iscopesthetic before I want to publish it.

Here is right here the best fish finder for pontoon boats the Buying guide URL slug is the best fish finder for pontoon boats.

That’s perfect!

You don’t want anything longer than that. It’s got all my keywords in it.

So that’s perfect.

Meta description.Looking for the best fish. Finder for Pontoon Boats is a buying guide.

Covers everything you need to know to make the perfect purchase. Excellent.

You can copy that meta description and put it inside your blog post, and you’d be good to go.

Now this checklist is really cool.

This is the article’s name, obviously, and it tells you how many times those keywords were used. It looks like nine out of nine

A checklist title is an optimal link title that includes the primary keyword. Meta includes the primary keywords.

Meta is the optimal length URL that includes the primary keyword.

The first paragraph includes the primary keyword. A subheading includes the primary keyword.

This one I need to add to it.Primary keyword twice in the first four paragraphs.

The primary keyword for the last subheading period, end of the long list items, I got to go through and check that paragraphs are three cents or less perfect.

There are no outbound links yet. It just generated it. You can do all that once you copy this onto your blog. Create a blog post, featured image, and media added.

Obviously, you’re going to do that.

There’s a feature coming where they’re going to add featured images coming shortly.

So you won’t have to do that anymore, which is excellent. Placeholder images replaced images in the first last three paragraphs.

Table of contents in place. And this actually adds a table of contents, which is really cool.

So if you don’t have one on your blog, like a plug-in, whatever, this generates it for you, which is cool out of every blog post.

And this is really good for ranking in the search engines.

When I added one to my blog, I noticed a big improvement. So they do that with every blog post generated through scale content.

So this is all this is it right here. I will go through the quality of the content this puts out.

And then you got a brief here and then a review. You can request a Plagiarism scan, and I’ll take you over that in a second.

But it’s almost unique, so you won’t get any duplicate content. It will be like the last time I ran.

One of the last articles I did through here was like 97%. And if you want 100%, go through the few keywords in there that they highlight, and you can switch those around.

But it’s almost 100% unplagiarized content, so you don’t have to worry about publishing this on your blog and Google not indexing it.

It’s almost 100%. And if you want to get to 100%, it comes out to 97.

You can always switch a few sentences, and it’s not a big deal.

All right, let’s go back here. Optimization. Okay. And here’s the article, the quality of it. You can check this out.

This is what came out of the box.

Are you searching for the best fish finder for pontoon boats that money can buy? Great. Then you are in the right place.

But first things first, you need to know exactly what to look for when finding the perfect fish finder for your pontoon boat.

First and foremost, you need to think about what features will be most important to you.

Do you want a fish finder that’s easy to use, or do you prefer something with more bells and whistles?

Once you’ve decided on that, it’s just a matter of finding a model within your budget.

It’s also important not to forget about portability since pontoon boats aren’t exactly known for being small vessels.

You’ll want something compact enough not to take up too much space or add too much weight down low, where it could potentially affect your boat’s performance.

And finally, don’t forget accessories. Often, fish finders will come with GPS capabilities built right in.

But if yours doesn’t, be sure to grab a handheld GPS unit so you can easily mark hotspots and navigate.

Got a table of contents here.

The best fish finder for pontoon boats is a buying guide.

If you’re in the market for a fishfinder for your pontoon boat, there are a few things you want to keep in mind.

First, we need to decide if you want a portable or permanently mounted unit.

Portable fish finders are less expensive and can be moved from boat to boat, but they’re not as durable as permanently mounted units.

Next, you’ll need to decide what type of transducer you want.

Transducers emit sound waves that bounce off of fish and other underwater objects, and then the fish finder interprets those waves to give you a reading on the depth and location of the fish.

Then it goes into the two main types of transducers.

Flush mount TransMount aA flush mount transducers are installed through a hole in the boat’s hull and then sealed with silicone or another sealant.

This type of transducer is less likely to be damaged by fishing gear debris, but it can be more difficult to install.

Okay, I’m going to stop there. You can see I’m going to scroll through this blog post quickly here, and I will go over the key points.

You can see all the main headers are capitalized for you.

Right off the bat, there’s a table of contents. Table of contents included off the bat. Look at this key takeaway, how professional letters are there, and how we built this list of the best fish finders for pontoon boats.

Key Takeaway: what to look for when purchasing a fish finder for your pontoon boat.

You can see it’s. Everything’s just perfectly numbered. The headers are exactly where you want them to be.

The keywords are in there. The five best fish finders for pontoon boats. It goes into that here.

The keyword that I was trying to target was the Best fish finder for Pontoon Boats.

So it’s covering that right here. Talks about that fact about the best fish finder for pontoon boats.

And then there are common questions people would ask when searching for the best fish finder for pontoon boats on Google.

And there are questions and answers, and there’s a conclusion, and you can always add little bits and pieces yourself and make it personal to you.

And then at the bottom, as I said, this doesn’t relate to this plumber’s record.

Obviously, you can always use your own site that will relate to this for the best reviews.

It’d be like Jay’s online reviews, but it’s going to include that at the bottom of every post with a link to your site, there’s a conclusion.

This buying guide is a great place to start if you’re looking for the best fishfinder for pontoon boats.

We’ve covered everything you need to know to make the perfect purchase, from what features are most important to consider to accessories.

So don’t wait any longer. Get out there and find the perfect model for your needs.

Content At Scale Review The Final Verdict On This AI Content Generation Software Should You Buy?

Content At Scale Review The Final Verdict On This AI Content Generation Software Should You Buy?

Wrapping Up My Content At Scale Review

Guys and girls, watch this video. This review of content at scale. My content at Skill Review.

honestly, I’ve tried out a lot of AI content generation tools and I don’t use them a lot to publish on my blogs or websites

.I mostly use them to publish to get backlinks. Like I’ll go to forums or different places, article directories, and stuff like that, where you can use them to get backlinks to your main blog or website.

But after using this, honestly, I publish these in my blog.

They’re that good. Usually, when I get something back from something that’s AI-generated, there are a lot of mistakes

.It’s going to be in like it won’t be in plain English. As you can see, I read this all to you.

There was not one mistake at all. As far as the readability, it’s all in perfect English. It flows well.

Everything’s lined up well. There’s a table of contents included. All the headers are in the right spots.

So all you have to do basically is come in here and add a few links to other blog posts on your blog.

If you want to interlink to improve your SEO, add a couple of links from other related blog posts and maybe add a few notes. You don’t even have to do anything, really.

As they say, it’s published, ready right out of the box, and it really is. But you can go in here and read through it.

If you don’t like a word, change it. But I mean, this is better than I’ve used Fiverr for the past almost ten years.

I found a couple of good content writers on there and then my best content writer; honestly, after reading the few posts I have created with them, I think I’ve created five so far. I don’t write as well as what this AI is producing, and she writes well, and she does a good job.

But I have to edit some of it because English is not her native language.

So, there are some words that she would use. We’re not going to say if you’re from the United States, we’re not going to be saying in regular conversations.

I’ll have to come back and add a few words here and there, but most of it’s pretty good.

Content At Scale Review The Final Verdict On This AI Content Generation Software Should You Buy?

With this, I found I’m not editing like basically anything. It’s crazy.

And it’s almost 100% Plagiarism free, which is a big plus.

So I’m going to use this to publish on some of my blogs and see how they will rank.

I’m going to add obviously my finishing touches to it, to personalize it for me, but I’m going to add a few and see how they do in the search engines.

But I’m betting that they’re going to do just as good as my other posts, if not even better than a lot of posts that I have created.

But I’m very impressed with this is really impressive.

And it tells you, like I said, everything you need to do on a checklist.

You go through all this and ensure all your keywords are there. And we’re going to go through the content at scale review here.

I’m going to request a Plagiarism scan to show you this quickly.

And then we’re going to end this video. All right, so this one’s 97% unique.

So it’s just 3%. It’s right here.

Words match 104. At almost 2000 words, it’s 3%. So 97% unique.

Crazy, right?

And there are less common words to look for, fishfinder four.

I mean, there’s a real common word I wouldn’t be worried about. For the best fish finder for pontoon boats, that’s our keyword.

You don’t get to worry about that.

And it actually highlights the ones that were, if you consider this 3% Plagiarism, whatever it is, they’re all keywords, basically.

But you can go through there where it highlights, and you can switch these words around a little bit to make it 100% unique if that bothers you.

But like I said, almost 100%unique right out of the box.

Everything is perfectly placed. All your headings are in the right spot.

Your keywords are all in there. It’s basically published and ready from the get-go.

So all you basically got to do is put your keywords in. It’s going to generate an article for you with basically everything.

All you got to do is add your keywords, go in there, add a picture, and as I said, they’re going to be adding a picture feature pretty soon to the software, from what I understand, which is going to make it even more impressive than it already is.

But for the time being, you’re going to go in there and copy your article, create a draft, tidy it up a little, add your pictures, add your interlink between your blog posts, and add an outbound link and you’ll be good to go.

So I highly recommend I’m super impressed with the software content at scale.

I will be using a lot more of it, and it’s actually the best one I’ve seen so far that’s on the market.

Two thumbs up for content at scale.Excellent job.

It’s ridiculously good, as you can see. Yeah, it’s getting scary. It’s getting pretty good. And they look like they’re at the forefront of it.

This technology here is really good.

What else would I use this for before ending this video?

Actually, I will go back here and rewind a second here.

They have a plug-in you can install on your WordPress blog or publish these posts automatically, too.I wouldn’t recommend using it.

content at scale review.

You can if you want.

I like to do everything manually because it’s not very hard, but if you’re short on time, there’s a plug-in, and you can use it.

It’ll automatically post everything for you. Personally, I would go in here and copy and paste everything and do a blog post, tidy it up, add your keywords and all that stuff and get it and then publish it.

But this is going to really speed up your content marketing as the name of the software, content at scale, and it can really help your business grow that much faster.

So make sure you target the right keywords, and the software will greatly help you and your business.

So let me get back here. Another thing to use the software for is I don’t really cover this too much in depth is getting backlinks.

You can go over to sites like the warrior Forum and blogs, get backlinks, create a blog post using the software, publish it there, and you’re going to get a backlink.

You can find article directories in your niche. Major sites here.

We can do this real quick. Let me see here. Let’s see here. We’re going to go to Google real quick.

Then we’re going to go to places to submit articles. And then you got sites right here. GitHub isnare storify goarticles Quora tumblr article biz. You get the picture.

Medium LinkedIn articles you can go through and get backlinks. And these are all really good authority backlinks you can get to your sites right here.

To build up the domain authority of your website or blog by using the software, publishing an article in like five minutes, submitting it, and you’re going to buildup that domain authority, and everything will rank better on your site in the long run.

Once you start building up that domain authority, all your articles obviously are going to rank higher in the Google search engines for Google search engine, for the keywords that you are trying to rank for.

That’s another thing I would use it for, as well as it produces such good content.

As I said, you can tell I’m super impressed that you can do guest posts on this.

The same thing, find a different niche you’re in.

Find high domain authority blogs in your niche, and submit a guest post to them using the software.

All kinds of uses for this to scale your business. That’s why it’s called content add skills.

That’s what it’s going to do for your business.

There are all kinds of uses for the software.Super impressed.I will definitely try this out.

Please pick it up for yourself. It will save you a lot of money, and you can see the quality of the content is super impressive.

Love it. Keep up the good work guys at content at scale. And that’s it.

So if you want to check it out, as I said, click on the links below in the video description box and see the different options available, and good luck growing and scaling your business.

And if you like this video, click the thumbs-up button. Do not forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel. And thanks for watching.

I’ll see you in my next video. Bye.

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