How To Run FB Ads For Clients

How To Run FB Ads For Clients The Ultimate 7 Step Guide

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There are a few things to keep in mind when learning how to run FB ads for clients. According to studies, the social network Facebook has over 2.45 billion active users worldwide, making it the world’s largest social media platform. Therefore, Facebook also offers a suitable channel for companies to advertise themselves and contact customers.

More and more companies are now using this channel to attract new customers, increase their reach and generate more traffic. The small flower shop next door now has a Facebook page to communicate directly with its potential customers. We are giving you instructions here to advertise on Facebook or how to run FB ads for clients successfully.

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Facebook Ads: Definition

Facebook Ads are ads placed on the Facebook platform and displayed to users according to their interests. This marketing measure offers companies the opportunity to reach a larger target group, increasing awareness and getting more traffic to their own website through the advertisement. As a result, new customers can ultimately be won, and new products, services, and company information can be communicated regularly.

The function of placing ads differs significantly between Facebook and Google. The advertising on Facebook is visible to those users whose interests on the platform match those of the ad. These are based on the information that users publicly share on the platform (musical taste, relationship status, hobbies, residence, employer, etc.). Google Ads, on the other hand, places ads based on the search query. If the user uses the relevant keyword, the company’s ad will be displayed accordingly.

How to Run FB Ads for Clients

In how to run FB ads for clients in seven steps, we will guide you through the creation of a Facebook advertisement and explain at each step what is important here and what you should pay attention to. The prerequisite is that you have an account with which you can place advertising. So you can use your private login data to create ads, but of course, also with a unique company account.

1. Set the Campaign Goal

To create a Facebook ad, you need to switch to the ad manager. Create a Facebook ad manager account. Before you select various Facebook functions, you should consider what you want to achieve with this ad. The goals can be very different:

  • Increase brand awareness
  • More reach
  • increased traffic
  • higher app downloads
  • additional lead generation

You then select the appropriate campaign goal on Facebook accordingly. These goals are divided into different categories to get a clear overview of the goals and their effects. But the rule is:

 One campaign goal per ad.

2. Define the Target Group

Facebook is a platform that offers you specific opportunities to define a target group to which your advertising will then be displayed. You can determine your target group precisely in the ad’s settings, and you should have thought about who this ad should reach beforehand. If the target audience is not adapted, then the ad is out of place and useless because the people who see it will most likely have no interest in buying.

When setting the target group for the Facebook Ads, it can be useful to be clear about specific vital questions:

  • Who suits us?
  • Where should the customer come from?
  • How “big” should the customer be?
  • In which price segment should it move?
  • And also: who do we not want?

Of course, you don’t have a holistic marketing concept yet, but initial effective consideration for target group definition could look like this. In the first step, Facebook then offers you the opportunity to select target groups with whom you have already had contact or people who are similar to these customers. Also, demographic data such as age, gender, residence, psychographic characteristics (needs, purchasing behavior, etc.) are essential.

But now the question arises: How do I get this information? Of course, reason and sometimes logic can help here, but specific research points are important to get information firsthand. The possibilities here are diverse. Analysis tools such as Google Analytics are handy for profile data. In the meantime, the best way to get to the psychographic data is to listen carefully to the people a client would like to reach, interview them, or talk to colleagues. In the end, it doesn’t matter where the information comes from, as long as it’s sound.

3. Select Ad Placement

In the next step, you have to choose the location of your Facebook ad. You can either switch the placement of these manually or set them automatically. Depending on the previously selected campaign goal, you will then be suggested different ad placements. Possible places for your advertising are, for example:

  • Feed
  • Stories
  • Videos/in-stream
  • news
  • items
  • Apps and websites

4. Determine the Budget and Period

When running Facebook Ads for clients, you have to specify an exact budget and a certain period for Facebook. Here you determine how much money you want to spend on the ads and how long your advertising campaign should run. For the costs, you can either enter a daily budget or an entire term budget.

Generally, there are two payment models. CPV (cost per view) and CPC (cost per click) are the two best-known alternatives when it comes to paying the advertising platform for placing your own ad. Both variants have their advantages and disadvantages, but in the end, it is usually better if you choose CPC. Here you only pay if the users react to your advertisement with one click.

Of course, the cost per view variant is sometimes also advantageous, but above all, because you pay for the ad without the user reacting, it is more difficult to achieve a decent conversion rate. A typical example of CPV advertising is pop-up ads – and you know it from your own experience: hardly anyone clicks on them on purpose.

The Cost of a Click on Facebook

So what is the cost per click on Facebook? What is a good CPC on Facebook? What is a good CPM?

You should know that three elements mainly impact the cost of your ads:

1. The relevance and the click-through rate of your ad

2. The competition on targeting your ad

3. The competition on the chosen site (News Feed, right column)

The sum of these factors allows Facebook to give each of your ads a “relevance score,” which will directly impact your cost per click.

5. Design the Advertisement

Now it’s about you designing your Facebook ads. To do this, you have to choose a format in which an advertisement is visible to the users. You should adapt the structure of the content and its scope. Do you only want to advertise one product or several? Does your service come across better in a video? You have to ask yourself these thoughts and whether one or the other solution might be more advantageous to generate the user’s attention.

In general, the following formats are available:

  • Image Ads
  • Video Ads
  • Slideshow Ads
  • Carousel Ads
  • Collection Ads
  • Instant experience/full-screen display
  • Lead Ads
  • Messenger Ads

Depending on the format you choose, you have to think about suitable images and texts essential components of your ads. Above all, the texts must be short and concise, have a catchy headline, and, depending on the case, contain a call-to-action to encourage the reader to want to see more.

6. Place an Order

As the last step in creating your Facebook ad for clients, it is essential to recheck everything to place the order. Once you’ve done this, your task is done, and Facebook will first review the ad you designed. If this contradicts the platform’s guidelines, you will receive a message via the advertising manager. You can also specify your preferred payment method with which you would like to pay the advertising measures’ costs.

7. Measure and Manage Ads

Measuring and managing a Facebook ad is also particularly important. Because if you recognize early on that one or the other advertisement is not working, or the advertisements are not performing as well as you would have liked, you can quickly determine this with regular monitoring.

Investing money in Facebook ads that don’t meet the desired marketing goals is pointless. You can track whether your created ad is successful via the manager dashboard on Facebook. If you’re a beginner and just starting to run your first Facebook ads, it can make sense to run multiple ads with small audiences and a smaller budget.

Conclusion: How To Run The Perfect Facebook Ads For Clients

What exactly you mean by the perfect Facebook ad is difficult to say and always depends on the target group you want to reach. You must be clear about your target group, define them precisely, place your ad as CPC and then find the right tone or the proper means to draw attention to you. With the right methods and a feeling for an attractive design, you can place successful Facebook ads within these steps. Follow these steps carefully if you want to understand how to run FB ads for clients successfully.

For more training on how to run the perfect FB ads for clients and actually turn a huge R.O.I. click the link below and reserve your seat, and learn from one of the best FB internet marketers on the planet.

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Click the link above the video to learn how to run the perfect fb ads for clients and yourself from one of the top FB internet marketers on the planet.

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