Facebook A Golden Marketing Opportunity To Make You Big Money Fast. Internet Marketing as an activity is all about reaching the right customers with the right products, and the result you are looking for is happy customers who are more than willing to open their purses or wallets wide enough to boost your online revenues.
For many years, marketers stalked their target customers through various means and by trying to get their message across to spread awareness about their online product or service.
Traditional Means of Communicating On Social Media And Facebook
Traditionally, marketing communications were conducted via print, broadcast and such traditional media through disruptive advertising, where advertisements appear in between the content of interest for the customer.
Times have drastically changed since the invention of the Internet and Social Media platforms such as Facebook, Myspace, Twitter ETC…
Traditional media gives a large reach to a marketer with its mass appeal programming.
However, the wastage is equally high since a large number of the audience would belong to a different segment than the one that is to be targeted by the marketer.
Enter Facebook@ Social Networking A Golden Marketing Opportunity To Make You Big Money Fast
The online revolution caused by the internet as a medium took place because of the fact that it is highly personalized and provides more content on demand than any other available medium.
Social sites proliferated far and wide in their usage for a few simple reasons:
The power to create and distribute content is equally available to every user, irrespective of him/her being a customer or a marketer.
In the earlier forms of media, that power rested with the editorial staff of the channel or the advertiser but hardly ever with the user.
The medium is completely personalized, and a user can create or join groups and further create content based on what he/she likes.
Opinions are free and fair.
This is one reason why social media is of utmost concern to marketers, since buying decisions are no more influenced as much by advertisements. The traditional word-of-mouth marketing approach has grown leaps and bounds on social networks.
Facebook – At the Center of Social Media
With 500 million (and growing) unique users worldwide, Facebook is the number one social networking site in terms of activity, profile pages, and daily subscriptions.
What started as a garage initiative by Mark Zuckerberg has now become the biggest phenomenon on the internet.
Heck even my grandmother has a Facebook account, and I am pretty sure yours does, too!
Facebook is even competing fiercely with Google for a lot of the Revenue being made on the internet.
For internet marketers, advertising on Facebook is a lot cheaper than advertising on Googles Google AdWords pay-per-click business model, which basically made Google the monster it is today. And it is even more targeted.
Google makes Billions of dollars yearly from internet marketers buying lucrative keyword terms on the Google adwords pay-per-click online business model.
But a lot of the lucrative keyword terms are very competitive and extremely expensive.
The more competitive a keyword term is. The higher the price you will pay as an internet marketer to advertise and try to make money using Google adwords.
Google AdWords is still a very good online business model, but it is expensive, especially if you are in a competitive niche.
Facebook is a great alternative to costly pay-per-click. Facebook can be even more effective for you, and your pocketbooks if your trying to make a tidy profit.
( And we are all in business to make money that is why it is called a business and not just a hobby)
Facebook Advertising Details:
Facebook has a very good user interface that allows for quick communication and the ability to create fan pages and groups at the click of your mouse button are what make Facebook extremely popular.
Another important reason for its immense popularity is the wide variety of social applications that have been developed and made available within the Facebook environment.
I compare Facebook and WordPress which are both the leaders in their respective niches.
Facebook is the leader in the social networking community because of all the great features and add-ons available to users at the click of a button.
WordPress is the top choice for Bloggers worldwide for the same reasons.
Both online platforms make our lives as online marketers that much easier and fun.
This in turn generates more money in our pocketbooks because of all the available help available to us with these 2 different platforms.
Back To Facebook
These applications can allow users and friends to do joint activities like playing games that run endlessly, sharing photos, videos, and web links, and many more.
How Does Facebook Help An Online Affiliate, Or Internet marketer?
Traditionally, media plans were drawn to include television channels, publications, or any other media that can grab maximum eyeballs and effectively reach a selected target audience.
The science of segmentation and targeting has become only more accurate in the case of social media.
Facebook provides a wide variety of avenues to communicate with the audience, which opens up an entirely different world of possibilities to have a fruitful dialogue with customers.
Some of these methods used popularly by marketers are:
Online Advertising: The first opportunity, which is the most obvious one, is advertising on Facebook.
The main difference, however, is that you can create your own advertisement in a matter of minutes and specify the details of your target group in terms of demographics and types of discussions where you want your advertisement to appear.
Facebook Fan Pages: Facebook allows every brand and individual users to create fan pages for their favorite celebrities and their own homegrown businesses.
Large brands have also created their official pages on Facebook that have a huge, immediate fan following around the world.
The fan page has immense utility to convey first-hand information about the brand and also to collect immediate and frank feedback from your customers.
Facebook Branded applications: One of the most effective ways to engage a user toward your brand is by creating an application; this could be a game or a contest, with your branding coming across subtly through it.
What makes Facebook even more exciting is how it allows you to target your communication sharply to the customer segment you want to attract.
It also provides analytics and page insights that give good feedback and measurement of the activity done.
The options provided by Facebook can be creatively explored and used judiciously to bring about maximum benefits to any brand.
However, while doing all this, you need to be aware that customers have an equal say and can respond immediately to any of your actions with a thumbs up or a thumbs down.
Availing the service of a social media consultant to work out a social media strategy may be required so that your efforts will not be in vain. Remember: You want to earn money not lose it!
This Course On Facebook Is Launching On September 7th. It will take your Facebook training to the next level so you can concentrate on making money and driving targeted traffic to your website or blog.
Get more information here for the best Facebook training available: Click Here Fast.
Facebook Marketing Tips For 2024
As Always To Your Online Success Internet, And Affiliate Marketers. Jay!
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