Fact::80 to 90% of all revenue that you will earn online will come directly from your email subscribers. Ask anyone with an email list to verify that fact for you:)
If your an affiliate marketer it is essential that you start and build an email list if you want to eventually make a substantial amount of money on the Internet plain, and simple!
If you choose not to take my advice you will be leaving a ton of money on the table, and your journey to make a substantial amount of money online will be greatly reduced.
Fact: 99% of all visitors who arrive on your website, or blog will look around for a second and never return again!
You would be a fool by not capturing as many of those subscribers as humanely possible.
Take my advice don’t leave money on the table and start to build your most valuable asset in your business that will, and can generate you the most revenue for your efforts.
Fact: Leads are an asset that no Google algorithm update, slow times in your business, or anyone can take away from you! Build a relationship with your subscribers, hit send, and watch the commissions come in when you recommend an affiliate product, or service on occasion to your loyal email subscribers.
Here is how I built a 20,000 plus email list from my blog over the years and the steps you need to take to start seeing new subscribers in your email inbox a.s.a.p.
Ok pay attention here we go:)
Step 1: Signup For A Reputable Email Provider
I use Aweber and have been for years they are my #1 recommendation because I am so familiar with them, and they have a lot of cool features. Aweber is not the only option there is also Getresponse another email powerhouse and Mailchimp to consider.
Choosing a good email provider is your first step of building a profitable email list.
Get Started Today For Only $1! – AWeber Communications
Step 2: You Need Some Great Freebies To Giveaway To Entice The Visitor To Opt-In To Your Email List
This is where a lot of people get confused I don’t have nothing to give away. There are thousands upon thousands of free things of value that you can giveaway to entice people to signup to your email list from the various PLR sites that are on the Internet. P.S. You can also create your own Youtube video tutorials, or create an ebook yourself to giveaway if you want to go that route.
The Best PLR Products Available Online – This is a good plr site that i can recommend where you can find pretty much anything under the sun to giveaway to your future subscribers.
HQplrstore – This is another one plr site to consider to give you a few options with your plr search.
Step 3: Place Squeeze Pages And Opt-In Forms Everywhere Throughout Your Blog, Or website
Place a lightbox popup set at 5 seconds to appear once on your blog or website ( So you do not annoy your blog visitors ) to capture leads from your blogs visitors.
Place an inline opt-n form on the top of your blog ( header ) below your blog posts, and on the left or right hand side depending on the theme that you have installed in the widget area of your blog for maximum effectiveness. ( Look at my blog as an example for placement of your opt-in forms. I use the heatmap adsense theme pro version Google it. )
Create a squeeze page with Funnelkit- This is a nice WordPress plugin that has a ton of cool features where you can create squeeze pages that convert in a snap. Here is an example of one of the squeeze pages that I created using Funnelkit click here and check it out.
Create simple high converting landing pages. This is who I mostly use with my email marketing campaigns that are seperate from my blog. They are awesome! Landing page monkey will tell you all the stats on how well your squeeze pages are converting, it’s inexpensive, and they look gorgeous. https://jaysonlinereviews.com/go/landing-page-monkey/ squeeze page creator to build your list.
Step 4: The Most Important Step Driving Traffic To All Your Squeeze Pages And Opt-In Forms
I am not going to babble on about all the potential traffic sources that you can potentially advertise online through because I don’t want to waste my time or yours:) Instead I am going to point you in the right direction with some cool blog posts, and a course that is geared on traffic generation for you to take a look at.
List Of Useful Sites To Drive More Blog, Or Website Traffic ( Updated For 2014 )
Traffic Recon – Nice course on how to generate traffic using seo ( Free traffic from the search engines ) the guy that teaches the course is pretty good.
IM Craze Internet Traffic Masters – This was just released ( Brand spanking new! ) Teaches all aspects of traffic generation geared at getting you what matters most a ton more email subscribers.
Step 5: My Recommended Email Marketing A-Z Training Course. This Course Is 5 Stars Rated By Me … The Man Who Teaches This Course Is Wildly Successful Online And Runs A Multi- Million Dollar Internet Business And The Main Chunk Of His Income Comes From His Emails …. This Is Someone That You Definitely Want To Learn From!
Learn from a 7 figure top internet marketer as he shows you step by step how to build a wildly powerful email list.
Step 6: Watch My Video Below Steps To Take To Build Your Email List While Making Money At The Same Time:)
In conclusion:
It is not very hard to put together a free package of freebies to giveaway to build your email list. The sooner you get started the more profitable your business will be.
Remember: After you create your squeeze pages, and opt-in forms your #1 priority is to send quality traffic to your squeeze page first, and your blog second people will sign up to your blogs list if they want to but there are many options on a blog to consider so your opt-in rate will be lower. With a squeeze page the visitor is given only 2 choices signup, or leave:) This is where you want to send the majority of your traffic first.
With your blog when your blog posts are shared via social networks or whatever way you are promoting them the traffic will come and the opt-ins will take care of themselves.
That is if you followed my advice above about where to place your opt-in forms on your blog for maximum exposure.
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