List Of Useful Sites To Drive More Blog, Or Website Traffic ( Updated For 2023 )

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How to get more blog traffic
My number #1 pick of all time for traffic this software tool is an excellent investment for your businesses future. Click here for full review.

List Of Useful Sites To Drive More Blog, Or Website Traffic   Updated For [2023 ]

Traffic equals money online. The more targeted traffic you send to your website, or blog the more money you are going to make for your online business period!

I am not going to rattle on about how important traffic is to any online business. I am just going to make you a very useful list for you to share with your friends on Facebook or keep it all to yourself lol.


P.S. Click Here For More Traffic Tips To Uncover Massive Traffic.

List High Traffic Internet Marketing Forums

  1. Warriorforum –  If you are an internet marketer and you are not a registered member, what are you hiding under a rock like the guy on the Geico commercials?
  2. – This is another one of my favorite online forums, and the owner Paul Lynch runs a great forum where you can even promote your affiliate products for free or add a freebie you may be giving away to build up your email list. Highly recommended internet marketing forum.
  3. – Lisa Irby runs a very well-respected forum that specializes in pretty much everything from creating a website, to internet marketing tips, traffic strategies, and affiliate marketing. She is very helpful to beginners also.
  4. Wickedfire – I do not personally frequent this internet marketing forum much, but it does get a lot of traffic, and a lot of people like it. My point: Sign up it is free!
  5. Digitalpointforums – This forum has a lot of traffic, so sign up.
  6. Blackhatteam – This forum has a ton of traffic, and if you use it correctly, it can deliver a ton of traffic to you in return.
  7. Blackhatworld – Same thing as stated right above but this forum even has higher traffic levels. Signup and be active, and take advantage of all the free traffic this forum can bring you.
  8. Hubpages Forum – This forum can bring you a lot of free traffic to your blog if you stop in once in a while and help out the community.
  9. webmasterun – This internet marketing forum has been really gaining in popularity and can drive you and your business some serious free web traffic in the process if you are actively participating in the forum.

List Of High Traffic Social Networking Sites

  1. FacebookDuh! Start a Facebook fan page and build up your followers who are interested in what your website, or blog has to offer. This is a great free traffic strategy!
  2. Instagram – Countless celebrities and everyone in between is using Instagram these days. That was recently acquired by Facebook btw:) it is huge and an absolute monster in terms of potential free traffic that this site offers. To see how you can get free traffic and make money with Instagram click here for my recommendation.
  3. SnapchatPresident Obama did his first Snapchat this evening at the time of this update 4 – 30 – 2016 at his annual state dinner. Well, that tells you right there that Snapchat is an awesome source of free traffic. I personally do not use Snapchat for traffic generation but there is a ton of people who are experiencing great results using Snapchat for free traffic generation. He also made some pretty funny Snapchat posts in a joking matter, of course:) But none the less if World leaders are using snapchat then so should you:)
  4. Twitter – Another Duh lol have you tweeted lately? You should! Build up your twitter followers that are interested in your niche, and tweet about your updated blog posts, or website.
  5. Google Plus – Obviously Google owns Googleplus but it is a great website to get some nice traffic if used correctly. Add people in your circle who would be interested in what your business has to offer. Send them a thank you if they add you to there circles remember some of them may be potential customers.
  6. Pinterest – Have you received your Pinterest invite yet? If you have not sign up for your free internet marketing training course here and I will send you a Pinterest invite. Just send me an email with the title Pinterest invite and I will send it over to you a.s.a.p. Pinterest is the 3rd largest social networking site in the World now and most people have not even heard of it. Basically you share interesting things that you find on the internet. Your business, your blog posts, videos, etc… You can then categorize your pins in relevant categories so people can find them and check out what your pinning.  ( Can you see the potential traffic Pinterest can bring you and your online business? )
  7. Myspace – many people think Myspace died years ago but it is slowly making a comeback. You can still get a lot of traffic to your website, or blog by sharing your blog posts with your Myspace friends, etc…. Believe it or not, when I check my website analytics I always see Myspace sending me a good amount of clicks from the blog posts that I share.
  8. Tumblr – I always share my blog posts on Tumblr every time I update my blog. Tumblr is one of the most popular social sites on the internet so be sure to add it to your arsenal.
  9. Orkut – This is another popular social networking site that is very popular in south America that gets a lot of traffic make sure you share your blog posts on Orkut for an increase in traffic.
  10. Linkedin – This website is a traffic powerhouse and business professionals from around the World congregate in one place for networking. Tip: Most people on this website have money to spend so I would recommend you spend a little more time than usual marketing on this website.
  11. Stumbleupon – I always stumble all my blog posts for a nice backlink and some extra traffic to my blog, or website.
  12. Reddit – Reditt is another popular social bookmarking site definitely worth submitting to.
  13. Pheed – This is a new silicon value startup company that is starting to rub shoulders with big boys like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and Pinterest. The cool new site, you can actually charge people a set price if you so choose to subscribe to your Pheed. Maybe you want to charge a small fee for membership-type access or charge people to view your videos, or Ebooks. The choice is yours with the new kid on the block named Pheed. Stop in and look around this site will be getting bigger, and bigger as time goes on.
  14. Medium – This site receives a ton of traffic being one of the most popular site in the World in terms of web traffic that it receives daily. I have been sharing my blog posts and Youtube video’s on this network as of late. My point: Use it!
  15. Kingged –  This is an internet marketing social networking site and it gets a lot of traffic.
  16. – Share all your content here if you want some great free traffic this is a traffic powerhouse.

*****Sexy bookmarks***** – I use this plugin to easily share all of my blog posts after I am done publishing them easily. You can see it for yourself directly below this post. Tip: If you are reading this post outside of my blog there is the link. Sexy bookmarks is very attrative on a WordPress blog I guess that is why it is called sexy bookmarks lol.

Pushcrew This Is Very Innovative, And A Great Way To Increase Sales Instantly!!!

*** PushCrew *** lets you send off-site push notifications on your subscribers’ Chrome & Firefox browsers. Sign up for a free account and send unlimited notifications. A lot of people are jumping on board with this due to the overwhelming open rates of people who use the pushcrew service, since email open rates have been going down in recent years.

Ping Your Site To Drive More Blog, Or Website Traffic

List Of Useful Sites To Drive More Blog, Or Website Traffic ( Updated For 2023 ) 2013 traffic sources  Automatically ping your URL to 1,653 websites click here. I use this site after I publish a new blog post so it gets indexed faster and for some free traffic.

List Of Useful Sites To Drive More Blog, Or Website Traffic ( Updated For 2023 ) 2013 traffic sources  Free social ping service – Automatically ping whatever you want to 243 social bookmarking / social media sites. Click here to check it out!

List Of Some Great Paid Traffic Courses, And My Recommended Web Traffic Software That  I Have Bought. These Picks Pack A Lot Of Bang For Your Buck For Traffic Generation )

  1. Webfire – This traffic software has been around forever and has the best reviews of any product I have seen online over the years, and it packs a whole lot of bang for your buck, but is well worth the small investment. Trust me this tool is awesome. See the link on this post to watch a free video on what this tool can do for you and your business. This has the highest reviews online across all the major internet marketing forums from past and current customers because it works, and it keeps getting better with age. This software tool comes highly recommended by me if you are looking for a long-term effective free traffic strategy for your business that you can use over and over again.
  2. Trending Traffic – This course is brand new for 2023 Harness the Power of Trending Viral Content and Skyrocket your Visitors and Social Engagement Very high-quality course on traffic. My best buys this year in terms of traffic.  You can check it out here
  3. Better Networker – I love this site it is only $20 a month but it has a huge community where you can post classifieds, upload video’s, post articles, post in their forum, etc… Betternetworker also gets a ton of traffic being in the top 10,000 websites worldwide according to alexa well worth the low-cost investment to make more money with your Internet business. P.S. You can also add a list building form next to every piece of content you submit on the site so you can build your list at the same time. Awesome, awesome, site to network and drive tons of traffic to your offers in the process.

You can read the full review on my favorite website traffic software that has the most positive reviews from customers by clicking here.


Giphs are all the rage these days and this site is a true free traffic powerhouse being one of the most popular new sites on the Internet. This is Googles definition of GIPHY that it is your top source for the best & newest GIFs & Animated Stickers online. Find everything from funny GIFs, reaction GIFs, unique GIFs and more. This site is ranked number 378 in the World in terms of traffic which means only 376 sites in the World have more website traffic than Giphy confirming it’s powerhouse status in terms of traffic generation. I like to turn my most popular Youtube videos into giphs:) Play with it and see how much free traffic that you can get.

List Of My Favorite Ways To Drive Paid Traffic To My Blog, Squeeze Pages, And Affiliate Offers.

Facebook Ads – With billions of users Worldwide you definitely will not run out of people to advertise to with Facebook ads:) The cool thing besides the obvious potential reach of Facebook is the laser targeted advertising options where you can narrow down your potential customer to what color underwear that they are wearing:) Lol I am joking obviously but it is pretty advanced which is a great thing for anyone using Facebook to drive traffic.

Bing AdsI love Bing because it packs the most bang for your buck, and it has the wealthiest user base according to statistics. Look for low cost keywords using the phrase, or exact match keyword option when advertising on Bing for the best return on investment in my opinion.

Solo Ads – If you are looking to build up your email list especially in the internet marketing niche then solo ads can be a great return on investment. Look for a lot of positive reviews on  sites like the Warriorforum classified ads section and sites like been around a long time and can be an excellent source of traffic due to the reviews from buyers posted on their site, and there large user base.

Google Adwords – Need I say more the king of all search engines:) The only downfall is they can be pricey to advertise through depending on the keywords that you target.

Free Helpful Ebook For Traffic @ Money Making Tips Plus My Freebies With PLR That You Can Resell And Make Some Money. ( Learn @ Earn At The Same Time! )

The Ebook below has some great traffic techniques in it that are not mentioned in this blog post. Feel free to go through this ebook, take notes, share it, and even give it away as a freebie, if your trying to build a profitable email list. No opt – in just click the link, take some notes, and enjoy!

The Official Beginners Guide To Making Money On The Internet

My 22 Free Ebooks Covering All Kinds Of Topics In Various Niche’s Related To Traffic Generation And Making Money Online.

Click Here To Grab My Free Ebook Collection Very High Quality PLR And There Are Some Great Traffic Generation Tips Inside!

List Of My Favorite Internet Marketing Blogs

  1. – Great blog from super affiliate marketer zac Johnson. Zac get’s a lot of traffic and he also has some good information that covers a wide array of topics. Stop in and comment on a few of his posts.
  2. – This is a top make money online blog ( Only mines better lol just kidding John they both are awesome ) In all seriousness Johnchow gets a lot of traffic on a daily basis he also has some great make money online tips so stop in and comment on a few of his posts.
  3. Shoemoney – This is another blog that gets a lot of traffic so stop in and check it out.
  4. – Chad has a blog in a niche similar to mine the internet marketing @ make money online niche. He has a ton of good posts and his blog is very well put together. By th way Chad if you happen to read this I like your new blog header it looks great.
  5. – The top internet marketing, product review, and make money online blog on the internet. Why? Because it is mine lol. In all seriousness I have hundreds of posts on seo, traffic tips, reviews, how to make money blogging, email marketing, affiliate marketing, and product reviews. If you cannot find it on my blog it probably does not exist!
  6. – James is a great internet marketer, and product creator. His blog is packed with tons of useful information on internet marketing, traffic strategies, and making money online. I bought a few of his point and click squeeze page templates a while back and they convert like crazy so thanks James for making the great products that you do. Stop in and learn a thing or two and say jay sent you.
  7. Potpiegirl – This is another great internet marketing blog you may want to check out.
  8. – This is another great blog that is all about traffic and helping you get more of it. Kim does a good job, and writes some excellent blog posts on her top traffic strategies that she shares with her readers. They do not call her the traffic queen for nothing! P.S. This is an awesome post on traffic generation Check her out!
  9. – Highly popular blog with some great internet marketing tips.
  10. Problogger – Very popular blog that covers all aspects of internet marketing

Blog Commenting Strategies For Backlinks

My Tips: Only comment on blogs that have high traffic, and blogs that are in your niche. For even more traffic be the first 5 to comment on a new blog post so you can get the most traffic possible from your blog comments. Commenting on popular blogs will give you a nice backlink for seo benefits, and some extra traffic at the same time. I still use blog commenting to this day because it is free, and it works!

Blogging Communities That Will Give You Extra Traffic

  1. Bloglog – Pick a category and add their widget and you are off to the races. The more traffic your blog gets on a daily basis the higher your blog will rank in whatever category you submit your blog to on bloglog.
  2. Blogtopsites – Same principle as above. Submit your blog and add their widget and the more traffic your blog gets on a daily basis the higher you rank in your category.
  3. Blogfrog – This is a cool blogging community with a lot of traffic definitely worth signing up.
  4. Blogtrottr – This blogging community has a lot of traffic, and the best part is when you publish a new blog post on your blog it is automatically shared with the blogging community once it is setup.

Blogging Sites That Will Give You Up To 2 Times The Traffic You Send Them For Placing Their  Widget On Your Blog

  1. – I have heard very good traffic levels from people who are placing their widgets on their blogs.
  2. – Similar to
  3. – Another good site for traffic
  4. – I have this one installed it is a good traffic source
  5. – Good traffic another quality site
  6. – The paid service will put links to your content in great sites like CNN, T3, Reuters etc.

Worthwhile Video Sharing Sites

  1. Youtube – Sad but true so this list is going to be short really the only video sharing site worth submitting too for traffic in my opinion because they control the majority of the video traffic online. Fun Fact: Youtube gets more search engine traffic than Yahoo, and Bing combined and it is really not even a search engine. People are typing into the search bar looking for their favorite video’s. ( massive traffic on Youtube. )
  2. My Affiliate Marketing Training Youtube Channel 180 videos and over 11,000 followers make sure you follow me and check out my latest videos.

Worthwhile Free Press Release Site

  • – This is the only press release site I use and they rank real well in the search engines too.

Fiverr What Would You Do For $5 Dollars?

Fiverr – This website deserves a category all of it’s own just because of how popular it is. To drive traffic, and make money from Fiverr all at the same time, sign up for free, and start posting some gigs. Ask yourself what can I do for $5 dollars? You can also look into buying some Fiverr gigs that have a lot of good rating that can drive some good traffic to your blog, or website.

List Of Useful Sites To Drive More Blog, Or Website Traffic ( Updated For 2023 ) 2013 traffic sources  I use Fiverr to drive traffic to my squeeze pages, and my blogs. Fiverr is also great for linkbuilding. There are some great gigs if you know where to look – just look for the one’s with a lot of positive reviews, and the gigs that are Panda proof ( High pagerank backlinks from trusted authority sites )

Seoclerks The Better Fiverr Alternative For A Ton Of Traffic And A Better Way To Make Money

List Of Useful Sites To Drive More Blog, Or Website Traffic ( Updated For 2023 ) 2013 traffic sources  Read this post for my full Seoclerks review and why it’s better for traffic generation, freelancing, and making money than Fiverr. Click Here!

Free Web 2.0 Websites For Free Targeted Traffic

  1. – I really used to like this site they suffered a lot in the last google Panda update but their traffic levels have been climbing ever since. It is a great site to use to grab some extra unique visitors to your website, or blog. See my review of this site and you decide if hubpages is worthwhile for you.
  2. Squidoo – they still get a lot of traffic even though I never really got too into this site. But definitely worth submitting too.

Search Engine Optimization

  1.  This is the best free way to get laser targeted buying customers to your website, or blog. The higher you rank in the search engines for lucrative keyword phrases the more money your internet business will make. Learn seo once and get good at it and reap the rewards for years to come. If you need help with your seo this course covers it all and then some ( Highly Recommended ). Click here for your seo training

List Of My Favorite Document Sharing Sites For A Real Boost In Your Traffic

  1. Docstoc – Top document sharing site worth submitting too
  2. Slideshare – I really get a lot of targeted traffic from slideshare. Tip: Turn your content into P.D.F. ‘s and submit them to the top document sharing sites for free ( You will get a ton of traffic for free ).
  3. Scribd – This document sharing site is suppoused to be the biggest on the internet in terms of traffic. Use the same principle above and turn your old or new content into P.D.F.’s and submit them in a relevant category on Scribd. ( I use a free program called open office 3.3 to turn my content into P.D.F.’s also great for listbuilding. )

List Of Classified Sites Worth Submitting Too

  1. Craigslist – This is the king of all classifieds but it is hard to submit multiple classified ads without your ads being ghosted. I would play by the rules and only submit one ad weekly promoting your website, or blog for some extra traffic.
  2. Backpage – This classified gets a lot of traffic I like to post paid sponsored ads in relevant categories, and in multiple cities to build an email list, or promote a hot selling affiliate program.
  3. Kijiji –  Ebay owns this one worth submitting too.
  4. U.SFREEADS – This is a pretty good website tp place classified ads. Still pretty effective but not as good as backpage, or Craigslist. To get the most traffic out of this website I would recommend you go with the $9.99 a month where you can post unlimited classified ads.
  5. Gumtree – This is Great Britains largest classified ( Englands version of Craigslist ) so it has some great traffic from our English speaking brothers and sisters in England.
  6. Webleegs – This is a cool classified site where you can post ads that last up to a year and basically never expire. They also offer some pretty cool featured ads that appear on their homepage for pretty cheap.

Last But Not Least Only Post 100% Unique Content To Your Blog That Is High Quality Like This Blog Post For Even More Traffic, And Backlinks.

What are the traffic strategies you are using for 2014? I would love to hear your comments below.

Do not forget to share this post with a friend on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Pinterest if you found it useful.

P.S. I Hope You Enjoyed My Traffic Tips To Uncover Massive Traffic To Your Blog Or Website In 2016 And Well Beyond:)

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