How To Make Money While Building An Email List At The Same Time

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Pay close attention to this blog post because it will be one of the best blog posts that will actually teach you how to make a lot more money online.

If you are a small business owner, affiliate marketer, or Internet Entrepreneur then this post on email marketing will help you out a great deal.

Why Should You Be Building An Email List?

You like money right? Well if you want to make some you need to be building an email list plain and simple.

If your struggling to make any decent amount of money online in the Internet World just by taking the one big action of building a list you will see your income skyrocket.

Affiliates wouldn’t it be nice to finally start seeing some affiliate commissions in your affiliate accounts consistently? If your a small business owner wouldn’t you like to increase sales for your business?

Wouldn’t it be nice to see your hard work finally paying off?

By building an email list and making listbuilding your #1 priority you can really see your online income skyrocket!


Have You Heard The Popular Saying The Money Is In The Email List?

This saying is popular for good reason it is 100% true.

I have been an internet marketer for 7 years now ( Self Taught ) I know awesome right?

Lol jk:) probably not the smartest move.

It did take me a lot longer to get to where I wanted to be in terms of Income, but I did get there through countless late nights of trial @ error seeing what works for generating income online.

Also not to mention  what tactics are a complete waste of time for generating any real kind of income on the Internet.


What Tactic Made The Biggest Difference With My Internet Business Where I Started Seeing Consistent Affiliate Sales In My Clickbank And Paypal Accounts

If you guessed building an email list you would be 100% correct and that is why I concentrate 90% of my efforts on growing my email list on a daily basis because it is an extremely powerful way to make a lot of money at the push of a button.

The larger your list granted you treat them well which is for another blog post the more money you will make from your email list.


So How Do You Build An Email List And Make Money At The Same Time? These Are The Steps You Need To Take!

How To Make Money While Building An Email List At The Same Time build email lis  Sign up for a reputable email service provider I highly recommend Aweber.

How To Make Money While Building An Email List At The Same Time build email lis  Now you need something to giveaway to entice your visitors to sign up for your email list. Why not learn and earn at the same time? Here is 21 very high quality internet marketing ebooks with full resell rights, or you can give them away to build your email list the choice is yours. You can pick up these free books by clicking here!

How To Make Money While Building An Email List At The Same Time build email lis  Now you need to build a squeeze page so you have a place to giveaway all your cool freebies and start to build your email list. I picked this up recently it will make this process a whole lot easier taking out the technical b.s. that goes along with building squeeze pages, sales pages, etc.. P.S. It is a WordPress plugin, and it rocks! Click here to check it out!

How To Make Money While Building An Email List At The Same Time build email lis  Email list check, quality freebies to giveaway check, and guru style internet marketing suite check. Now you are ready to start building your email list and making some money.

How To Make Money While Building An Email List At The Same Time build email lis  Setup your first squeeze page and be sure to do your keyword research using the free Google adwords keyword tool and look for related keyword terms that are highly searched, with low competition that you can rank highly in the search engines by using basic seo strategies. Rinse, wash, and repeat!

Helpful Keyword Research Video Below!


How To Make Money While Building An Email List At The Same Time build email lis  Setup a lightbox popup form on your blog set to appear at 5 seconds. ( This worked best for me in my trial @ error )  You can set this up inside your Aweber control panel by first creating your lightbox form and then placing the code that Aweber provides on your blog, or website.

( Do a Google search there are plenty of tutorials online that will walk you through this process step by step )

How To Make Money While Building An Email List At The Same Time build email lis I would recommend setting your opt-ins to double opt – in inside your email service providers control panel because you will get a lot less spam complaints, and the quality of your email list will be a lot higher.

Awesome Tip On How To Make Money While Building An Email List At The Same Time

How To Make Money While Building An Email List At The Same Time build email lis  On the success page inside your Aweber control panel when it is set on double opt-in you can put a link to your freebies, or a related affiliate offer that is directly related to what you are giving away. This email marketing strategy works wonders because some of the people that opt-in for your freebies will pay for the related affiliate offer making you money while you are building your email list at the same time. The freebies you promised should be sent as a follow up message set at zero so they are sent instantly to your double opt-in subscribers.

You are monetizing your email subscribers, and making money at the same time. Your subscribers get their freebies, and everyone is happy it is a win, win, situation for you and your subscribers.

Tip: Go inside your Aweber control panel and click my lists, list settings, confirmed opt-in, and scroll down to success page it looks like the picture below. Now simply add your affiliate link, or related product, or service, and you are in business.

How To Make Money While Building An Email List At The Same Time build email lis


How To Make Money While Building An Email List At The Same Time build email lis  If you are blogging setup inline opt-in forms on the right or left hand side of your blog above the fold. (This will depend on how your blogs theme is setup. ) Above the fold means when a visitor lands on your blog, he or she should not have to scroll down to see your inline opt-in form it is already clearly visible to the visitor.

How To Make Money While Building An Email List At The Same Time build email lis  Setup an inline opt-in form below every blog post that you create. ( There are WordPress plugins that can help you with this just look around. )

The #1 goal of your blog should be building your email list, and of course providing excellent content in the process.

How To Make Money While Building An Email List At The Same Time build email lis  Drive laser targeted traffic to your squeeze pages. This blog post I wrote that has been updated for 2013 has gotten a ton of positive feedback for being so helpful. Click here for some great traffic tips!

Good Luck Building Your Email List, Your Comments Are Always Appreciated Below.

P.S. I have comment luv premium installed!

Watch This Very Informative Video On Affiliate Marketing Over 30 Minutes Of Pure Top Notch Training!

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