Scribd Review Find Out My Top PDF Document Sharing Sites

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Review Scribd
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Scribd @ Slideshare Review. Find Out My Top PDF Document Sharing Sites For Free Traffic, And Money?

I have been messing around quite a bit with a lot of pdf document sharing sites lately, but I am getting the best results from 2 of them so I am only going to discuss Scribd, and slideshare these are my 2 favorites.

The other top pdf and document sharing sites are still good to submit too for a good authority backlinks, and a little extra traffic, but the results for me were not there to constitute spending a lot of time submitting my documents, video’s, and PDF’s to them. 

What Is Scribd?

Scribd is a top document sharing website that gets a lot of traffic. Scribd current Alexa rank is 280 in the World and 440 in the United states. ( Some Good Traffic )

What I like About Scribd?

  • The free traffic is there for you to take advantage of and grow your business so that is a major plus for Scribd.
  • Uploading documents is super easy, and fast. Once your document is uploaded you can change title, description, and enter some good keywords so visitors of Scribd can find them. Ease of use is great with Scribd – very speedy!
  • Scribd is a great document sharing website for getting eyeballs on your affiliate offers, ebooks, and a great way for savvy internet marketers to help speed up their listbuilding efforts. Lots of traffic = lots of money in the internet world.
  • Scribd lets you know exactly what countries your visitors are coming from which is pretty cool.

My results and Traffic With Scribd?

  • I have had 3, 500 views to date of my documents mostly ebooks in the last few months ( Not too shabby )
  • Most of my traffic is coming from the United States which is a big plus so you know the people reading these pdf documents are potential buying customers of one of my products, or services one day.

What I Do Not Like About Scribd?

  • I only have 1 complaint about Scribd and that is the category section. There are no categories for Home based business, internet marketing, or really anything to do with making money online. You just have to find a category that is the most closely related to whatever your document is about to get around it so not that big of a deal. ( But I would like to see scribd add a few more categories and subcategories to their listings ).

Final Review: Overall Scribd is a great way to submit your PDF’S , and documents with relative ease.  It doesn’t hurt that you can get a lot of free targeted traffic from potential buying customers either. Review My Other Favorite Document Sharing Site

review slideshare
Check Out Slideshare Here

What Is Slideshare?

Slideshare is another one of the superpowers in the document sharing World and it is my second favorite place for submitting my P.D.F.’s for some nice free traffic.

Slideshare actually beats out Scribd on Alexa but it is close according to Alexa. Slideshare is ranked the 195th most popular website in the World in terms of traffic, length on site, etc… . ( Awesome Traffic Very Popular )

Like I said traffic = money online. The more you have the more you will earn.

What I Like About Slideshare?

  • Obviously the targeted traffic is great. A lot of potential eyeballs on my pdf documents.
  • The interface on slideshare once you create a free account and log in is very attractive. You can add updates about your blog, or website or anything in between.
  •  One thing I really like about slideshare is the categories covered. Slideshare’s categories are a lot more in depth in my opinion than Scribd. Scribd should look at their category model and apply it to theirs. They actually have specific categories that relate to the PDF’s I am submitting which is nice. Careers, business @ management, and books to name a few.
  • Ease of use like Scribd slideshare it is very easy to submit a P.D.F. or any other document that you want to share with the World. In a few minutes you can have your title, description, and ebook submitted and published for the World to see.

 What I Do Not Like About Slideshare?

Nothing at all this document sharing website has it all it is nicely designed, has high traffic, a thorough list of categories to submit too, and it is very user friendly!

Final Review Slideshare:

I love it! Submitting your P.D.F. documents along with Scribd can bring you a lot of free targeted traffic to your affiliate offers, ebooks, help you build an email list, and bring free traffic to your blog, or website.

Use them both for maximum results.

Lets hear your reviews below. Who are your favorite document sharing sites online and why?

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