How Does Affiliate Marketing Work? Getting Started Affiliate Marketing A Useful Roadmap

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What is the definition of Affiliate Marketing and how does it work, well put simply you promote products or services by sending traffic to it, and when somebody purchases you receive a commission. It is as simple as that. I am going to explain affiliate marketing works and how you can start your own online business affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is one of the most profitable ways to make money online it is one of the best ways of earning a passive income, but it can be an online business that can replace your regular income with fewer hours and half the effort for double or treble the money and once set up can be run on autopilot. so let’s get started and show how affiliate marketing works.

Affiliate Marketing is one of the oldest forms of digital marketing It was first used by William J Tobin in 1994 for his online start-up company Pc Flowers and gifts he convinced different companies to promote different Pc Flowers products with little effort required in return for a small commission. He patented this clever marketing tool 2 years later in 1996.

So How affiliate marketing works is really simple you promote different companies’ products or services and when a sale is made you receive a commission. Your commissions can be anything from £1 to £10000 depending on what products you are promoting. This is the most popular way of affiliate marketing it is a simple as it sounds.

Cost per acquisition or better known as Cost per action (CPA)  affiliate marketing is another form of affiliate marketing. Advertisers will ask for different actions to be taken for you to be paid it could be you get paid when they sign up for a free trial, fill in a form, enter your details to their site or download some software the principals are the same but the customer does not have to purchase anything you get paid for them taking action. one of the best Cpa Affiliate Marketing networks to join for offers is Max Bounty

There Are Four Simple Steps To Get Started In Affiliate Marketing.

  • The first step is to find and join an affiliate program . Think of a product any product do a google search and they will have an affiliate program for you to promote there products you find the right ones for you an you join the program, or you can go to an affiliate market place such as Click Bank or Jv Zoo to source products, Click bank has thousands of affiliate products in many different niches ready to go and they offer fantastic affiliate training at the Click bank University when you sign up
  • You need to find a profitable niche and you need to become an expert in your niche so that you can be confident in the products you are sending people to are the best thing to help them . it is no good finding a niche and nobody wants to buy the product so think carefully do you research see if you have a hungry crowd to buy your products . it is sometimes best if you look in to a niche that you could be a hobby or interest if it is popular and you can promote products in this niche look for affiliate programs in that niche and star promoting but do your research you could be promoting the best products in the world but if there is nobody to buy them its is pointless. When you sign up you will be given a unique link called an affiliate link for you to promote the products through you are now ready to start promote your chosen products.
  • Once you have found the right products to promote you need to find a hungry crowd of people that want your product you need to have people that have to have you product because it will solve a problem they have so you need find  a traffic source to get your product in front of them, there are many different ways to get traffic to your think . Social media in 2019 2.7 billion people will be using social media so we can agree that there is a potential audience for our products. One of the most popular is facebook ads you can rub an paid ad on Facebook that goes straight to your link . Twitter, Instagram , Pinterest you can share your link through all these sights . You can run ads on google Adwords .If you have a website you can get free traffic through seo direct people to your website and have links to your products on the site. Solo ads you pay for people to share your inks to their lists. You tube you can make videos that send people to your links. You can start a weekly blog that gives information and reviews about your products with links to products in the content, The important thing to remember is that with no traffic you will not make sales so it is important for you to have good traffic sources to feed your hungry crowd
  • The next step is making sales the best way to sell multiple products is to have a sales funnel . if you can imagine a funnel you send customers into the wide end of the funnel and filter down to the narrow end of the funnel buying different products on the way down. On the way down the products increase in value so you make more commissions and at the end there is high end product . All the products in the funnel are related and in the same niche . As you make sales you earn a commission from the companies you are referring your consumers too . I hope you beginning to see how affiliate marketing works now onto how to get you products in front of a hungry crowd , you need good traffic sources to get your products in front of your hungry crowd so traffic is an essential part of how affiliate marketing works .

If you are a beginner when you have signed up as an affiliate the best way to get is to start a blog to promote the products you need to have a blog packed with use full and engaging information that pushes people to your product. Include links to your products that lead people to your products. Writing a blog is the most cost-effective way to start affiliate marketing Write different blogs on your chosen niche include affiliate links for products related to your niche but do not go for the hard sell straight away build a relationship with your audience you have to gain their trust and then you recommend a product or service and say to your audience hey check out this great product and if they trust you they will buy and you make money.

Buying traffic is another way to start an affiliate marketing business it is what it says you buy traffic to send to your offer. One of the most common ways to buy traffic is through solo ads you buy traffic from a solo ad broker who sends your offer to their list they normally have different lists for different niches. They normally charge a set amount for so many clicks, some specialize in certain niches, and you paying for them to offer your product to their list.

Another Traffic source is Paid ads Like Google ad words very good if done in the right way can be a very good source of traffic for affiliate marketing, especially good on high ticket products because of the return you can get you could be promoting a mentoring course in affiliate marketing one on one training with an affiliate marketing expert that that sells at £3997 and you get a fifty percent commission per sale meaning you get £1998 per sale so if you spend £300 on ads you make £1698 profit for one sale so if the £300 ads Make you 5 sales that make you £8490 so in this instance paid ads work but if you have a low ticket item at £27 and it cost you £100 in ads to make a sale you will make a loss, don’t get me wrong you can make money with paid ads on lower ticket items but it is a lot harder to make a profit than with a high ticket Product. if you think that Google Ads is the way you want to I would recommend you take a Google Ads course as they can be a mind field and knowing how to do them correctly is vital

Facebook is another good traffic source 2.6 billion people use Facebook so there is a big audience. The beauty of Facebook is you can advertise to a targeted audience in your niche through Facebook ads the good thing with Facebook ads is you can control what you spend on them you can spend a little as £1 per day you can pause them so you can change them if they are not working set them to run for one day or five days they are very flexible,  you can set up a Facebook page in your niche and put use full and engaging content getting people to like your page. When people like your page you can then start to direct them to your affiliate offers through your content. Starting a Facebook group is another good way to find people you simply start a Facebook group in your chosen niche and when people join you share content with each other and you can direct them to your offers you may be having a conversation with someone in your group and they say they are having a problem say with how to run google ads and you can say check this out it good for google ads and you send to your affiliate offer. Facebook is a good way to generate traffic and I suggest that you take a Facebook course as it can be difficult to get the hang off but when you get the hang of it you can generate serious traffic from it

Search Engine Optimization is one of the best free traffic sources. Simply put when somebody searches for your product your website is top at the top of Google. Search engine optimization done correctly can be the best source of free traffic around. Google algorithm evaluates your website for relevance to your niches and ranks it accordingly. It evaluates your site through keywords, relevant good and engaging content to your niche, backlinks to name a few again it can be complicated but taking an SEO course to better understand it and master will help you along the way.

Youtube videos, Youtube is another free traffic source owned by google there are 2 billion active monthly users of youtube and it attracts about 44% of internet users. So as you can see making a video about your product add in your affiliate link and posting it on youtube will put it in front of a massive free audience.

The Traffic sources I have talked about are all good ways for you to generate traffic for your affiliate offers and is it is an essential part of how affiliate marketing works you don’t have to use only one source you can use a number of them, You might want to set up a website with niche with your affiliate offers on and run some Facebook ads make some youtube videos have a number of traffic sources you need as many ways to get your products in front of the hungry crowd as possible.

Affiliate Marketing is a simple low-cost way for you to start your own online business today. If you are passionate about something or you are an expert in something start writing about it and create a blog site I would recommend Word press it is free to start a word press blog buy a domain and some hosting publish unique and very useful long-form content on your blog with some affiliate links and your on your way it is as easy as that. I would recommend you do take some training before you embark on your journey. The best place for this is the Internet Marketing School they have courses for anything that involves selling and setting up your own online business. I hope that you have enjoyed my post and you now understand how affiliate marketing works and it inspires you to get online and start making some money.

Good Luck


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