How To Build Your Email Lists Step By Step How-To Guide

How To Build Your Email Lists Handy Guide [2023]

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The Ultimate Guide On How To Build Your Email Lists. (2021 Edition)

Looking to learn how to build your email lists effectively in 2021? Well, you are in the right place. 

This is going to be a very helpful email marketing how-to training guide that will show you the steps that you need to take as an online entrepreneur to build up a nice-sized email marketing list to increase your profits.

Email marketing especially in 2021 due to increased competition, is critically important to build up a nice customer base so that you can sell your products, or services, to your leads and grow your business.


Of course, that is why any internet marketer, affiliate marketer. or online entrepreneur wants to build a huge email list.

To make your business money right?


Fact: Email marketing is the most effective advertising medium in existence in the return on investment aspect.

For Example, About 85 to 90% of my personal online earnings come directly from my email list.

You get the point:)

So it is critically important that you learn the steps that you should take to get started with an email list, the tools you will need to grow your email list, and the training that you will need to make the most amount of money possible from your email subscribers.

Remember, the money is in the email list.

So, let’s get started.

How To Build Your Email List Handy Guide  – Step 1: 

Your first step is picking a reputable email service provider I use Aweber and have been for like 12 years now so I know the platform like the back of my hand. I recommend Aweber and Getresponse.

These two are the creme of the crop have the biggest customer bases, the most tools, and a great deliverability rate.

The majority of email marketers use one of the two email marketing platforms that I mentioned above.

If you are thinking of starting an email list go with one of the two that I listed.

Ok moving on.

How To Build Your Email Lists Handy Guide – Step 2:

I will use a self-hosted WordPress blog for this example.

A self-hosted WordPress blog is when you buy your own domain name and install not the free WordPress platform for those of you reading this blog post who are not familiar with WordPress.

If you have a website or a blog you are going to want to have an opt-in form on the left or right-hand side of your blog in the widget area depending on your WordPress themes layout.

You will also want an opt-in form of some sort on the very top of your blog which is considered above the fold in marketing terms.

Above the fold is the first thing a visitor sees when he arrives on your blog or website without scrolling down on their mouse.

( There are free and paid plugins that you can install that will make you’re above the fold opt-in forms more attractive and convert a lot better )

You can see mine at the top of this blog for example.

Where you’re placing your email opt-in forms above the fold you will get a lot more subscribers because that is going to be the first thing a visitor sees, so they are more likely to take action, and place their contact details in your opt-in form depending on if you have a good offer or not and how well it converts.

The next place where you want to place your opt-in forms is directly below your blog content to maximize your leads.

Now let’s move on to step 3.

How To Build Your Email List Handy Guide ( 2021 ) – Step 3:

When you are collecting leads outside of your blog from the various ways that you are going to be trying to drive traffic to your opt-in forms such as social media marketing, forums, blog commenting, and paid to advertise like pay per click on Google, Yahoo, and Bing for example.

Then you are going to want to have a highly converting squeeze page or landing page.

A squeeze page gives a lead two choices.

Choice 1: Visitor Opts-in to your email list.

Choice 2: Visitor leaves the page and decides not to opt-in to your list.

A Good opt-in page should convert at around 50% or even higher.

So 1 out of every two visitors should sign up to your email list.

Squeeze pages or landing pages are made for one thing, and that is to build your email list, so use them.

This is the squeeze page generator that I use it is called Leadpages and the landing pages that you create to build your email lists in 2021 convert extremely well.

So, let’s get started adding a follow-up sequence and broadcasts to your new email subscribers now that you have the necessary tools to get the job done correctly.

How To Build Your Email List Handy Guide ( 2021 ) – Step 4: ( The Free Offer )

You are going to create a free offer to giveaway to your new email subscribers to entice them to give away their email address to you.

Your free offer can be a how-to video, an ebook, a case study of some kind, or even free software if you want to go that route.

A lot of people go the private label rights or PLR route where you can buy the rights to giveaway an already made ebook, video course, or free software.

If you want that the full definition of private label rights just Google it.

Remember Google is your best bud:)

People really overthink this aspect of their marketing, just give your potential subscribers something of value and they will opt-in.

It is better to have the ball rolling with a free offer already set up than nothing at all and your losing potential subscribers you can always switch it up later.

Obviously the better the free offer, the better chances of generating new subscribers, but don’t overthink it too much remember test, test, test.

If the offer isn’t converting well change the headlines + text in your forms.

Or even change up your free offer, and find out what works the best for your conversions.

( Usually short + sweet converts the best )

Ok moving on.

How To Build Your Email Lists Handy Guide ( 2021 ) – Step 5: ( Traffic Generation )

Now that you have everything set up and ready to roll you should.

Have a blog or a website with your opt-in forms strategically placed in the designated areas that I covered above.

You should have a landing page or squeeze page for any internet marketing that you are doing outside of your blog to collect leads.

Now let’s drive some targeted traffic to your opt-in forms and get some new email subscribers.

My favorite ways to collect email leads are through social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, classified ads, my blogs, and of course the powerful Youtube video marketing strategy.

I will cover a few of my favorite ways to build up my email list right now.

Facebook Marketing – Build up a Facebook Fanpage that revolves around your business and pin a post at the very top of Your Facebook Fanpage so it is the first thing that visitors to your fan page see.

I would also join a site called Fiverr – Fiverr is a site where you can buy gigs for $5 bucks and have someone design you a Facebook cover with a link to your email opt-in form in text inside the Facebook cover and just promote your Fanpage to grow your customer base. This guy does a really good job rudyisfat I have used him numerous times.

Classified Ads – If there is a forum or popular website that revolves around your niche that offers paid classified ads buy one this is a great strategy to get some great new email leads added into your business.

Linkedin – Create yourself a nice Linkedin profile and build up your following + another great strategy is to join groups that are directly related to your business and submit helpful posts which lead over to your landing pages or squeeze pages to build your email list.

Youtube – This is probably my all-time favorite internet marketing strategy to build up my email list. I like to submit very helpful how-to videos and ask for people’s email addresses in exchange for a cool free offer that I am giving away. You can check out my Youtube channel by clicking here if you want to see what I am doing.

How To Advertise To Your Email Lists And Turn Your Email Leads Into Paying Customers – Step 6:

I can go on and on about how to make the most money possible from your current email subscribers but it would get way too long, and boring.

No one likes long and boring right?

Yeah, I thought so;)


I feel, as do most people nowadays that the best way to learn how to actually turn your email leads into paying customers is through a great how-to video training course.

I actually bought and reviewed this course recently and it has some excellent tips on how to write effective emails that turn into sales, the frequency that you should be emailing your subscribers, how to format your emails correctly, the length of your emails, and much more.

Did I mention that this email marketing course is taught by a 7 figure internet marketer who made over a million bucks last year?

I thought I would throw that out there:)

Anyhow, here is the link if you are looking to start and build your email list in 2021 and actually make money doing so in the process.

Click Here To Check Out My Recommended Email Marketing Training Course.

Recommended Resources To Build And Grow Your Email List That I Discussed Above:

These Are The Resources I Talked About In This Blog Post To Help Build Your Email List @ My Recommended Email Marketing Training For Internet Marketers.

My Recommended Squeeze Page – Landing Page Creator

1 Free Month With Aweber Discount Link To Help You Out Below.

P.S. As of 2021 Aweber also has a free option for people looking to build their email lists but want to try out the services FREE before upgrading to a regular paid account with more features.

You can click here to build your email list for free with Aweber in 2021.

My Recommended Email Marketing Training Course.

For more email marketing training that shows you step by step how to write emails that sell this is the course that I bought, and it helped me out a great deal.

This internet marketer did 7 figures last year so he really knows how to sell in his emails, and he is going to teach you how to do it effectively.

I’ll leave the link directly below if you want to check it out.

Email Black Opps

How to build an email list for internet marketers
The Ultimate Guide to Email Marketing for Beginning Internet Marketers @ Online Entrepreneurs. (2021 Edition)

P.S. Be sure to sign up for my free affiliate marketing course I cover more strategies on how to build your email list in 2021 as well as how to make more money affiliate marketing. 

Your Comments Are Appreciated Below! Just Login To Facebook And Ask Me If You Have Any Questions About Email Marketing And How To Build Your Email Lists In 2021.

To Your Success


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