Increase Website Traffic ( visitors ) 50 Free Proven Strategies That Work Must Read!
Increasing your website traffic is an essential strategy that every internet marketer must follow if they want to earn a nice income from their blogs, or websites. Hell it is a necessity. You need traffic to make your internet business a success. You can’t make money without it!
Here is a list of my favorite high traffic websites just updated, enjoy!
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My Favorite Internet Marketing Forums:
1.Warriorforum.com – The biggest internet marketing forum in the World use it to your advantage.
2. Honestworkfromhomesuccess.com – Awesome forum with good traffic levels. Run by internet marketer Paul Lynch he is a good guy and runs a great internet marketing forum.
3. Websitebabble.com – Lisa Irby is the webmaster of this forum that focuses on all kinds of topics from website creation, affiliate marketing, internet marketing, sitebuilder, reviews, and much, much, more. Go check it out!
My favorite random websites to increase your website traffic.
4. Facebook – Need I say more? Did you guys see the social network? Awesome movie, and awesome site. Internet marketing tip: Increase your website traffic ( visitors ) By building a Facebook fanpage.
5. Tagged.com – Huge social networking site. Internet marketing tip: After creating your Tagged account go to the match app and click yes on everybody. A lot of these people will requst you to be their friend. You will add a lot of friends this way
6. Myspace.com – The original high powered social networking site.
7. Myyearbook.com – Started by a few high school kids now worth millions.
8. Twitter.com – Build up your Twitter followers and tweet about your website to increase your website traffic.
9. Craigslist Forum – Secret way to increase your website traffic. Most people do not even know that Craigslist has a forum. Works real well!
10. Craigslist Classifieds – Post a few classifieds now and then advertising your website, or blog.
11. U.S.freeads – If you have a premium membership which is $9.99 month you can write unlimited, attractive classified ads that rank well in the search engines. Definitely worth the money.
12. Ezinearticles.com – Write articles related to your website, or blog to increase your websites visitors. This directory is the biggest in the article marketing World.
13. Articlesbase.com – Hot on the heels of ezinearticles.com is articlesbase.com they get a lot of traffic also. Quick Note: Be sure to write 100% original content when submitting an article nowadays. Due to the changes in Googles search algorithm they are deleting duplicate content from their systems. You can read more about it in my blog post below.
14. Goarticles.com – Another high powered article directory for you to submit some articles too.
15. Articledashboard.com – Another decent article directory but the top 3 above are the best 3 if your looking for popular article directories to submit your articles too.
16. Prlog.org – My favorite press release site to advertise your website, or blog for a nice increase in traffic. Internet marketing tip: You can blatantly advertise your website, or blog choose your keywords wisely they rank well in the search engines.
17. Salesspider.com – Business directory and classified site that gets a lot of traffic from business professionals. Definitely grab a free account here.
18. Betternetworker.com – Good site that gets a lot of traffic geared towards business professionals, internet marketers, and affiliate marketers. I get a good amount of website visitors from better networker by submitting articles, and participating in their online forum.
19. Blackhatforum.com – Secret seo strategies some may disagree with but they do get a lot of traffic and it is worth joining and looking around this forum. At the very least you will learn a few new things.
20. Hubpages.com – Awesome traffic source! You can monetize your hubs 4 different ways to make money. Through affiliate programs, adsense, kontera, and amazon ads. You are allowed up too 2 different affiliate links on each hub that you write but they must not lead to the same site. Easy enough right? They rank extremely high in the search engines. I have earned quite a bit of money online through Hubpages alone. Check them out! This is a must have tool to increase your website, or blogs traffic levels.
21. Problogger.net – A good blog for you to comment on various posts for a backlink and an increase in your websites traffic levels. Do not spam make intelligent, relevant comments and your website will be rewarded properly.
22. Johnchow.com – Very high trafficed blog and he updates it quite often. Same applies here. Make relevant intelligent comments on John’s blog with a backlink to your website in your comments and you will be rewarded with an increase in traffic.
23. Shoemoney.com – Very high traffic blog this guy has made millions online so his blog is a great place to learn about internet marketing, affiliate marketing, and tons of other cool stuff. Make a comment for a backlink pointing to your website, or blog for some extra website visitors.
24. Zacjohnson.com – Affiliate marketing tips from super affiliate zac Johnson. This is one of my favorite blogs his blogs design is top notch, and the information he provided to his blogs visitors is even better. Zacjohnson.com is a must visit if your gonna be serious about learning internet marketing.
25. Jaysonlinereviews.com – You didn’t think I was gonna forget about my blog did you? My blog is a great blog to learn all about affiliate marketing, internet marketing, product reviews, affiliate programs, and ways to earn more money online. I update it at least 3 times a week with fresh unique content. So stop in and comment on one of my posts for a nice increase in traffic to your website, or blog.
26. Courtneytuttle.com – She has a nice blog with some good information related to internet marketing.
27. buzzblogger.com – Kim Roach is the webmaster of this blog and she has good traffic levels along with some great website traffic tips she also runs a traffic site called traffic dashboard you can check it out here if your interested in some more ways to increase your website visitors. The ‘Traffic Dashboard’ is a one-of-a-kind traffic platform that shows you how to point-and-click your way to increased traffic.
28. entrepreneursjourney.com – Down-To-Earth Advice For Bloggers and Internet Marketers. Run by top internet marketer Yaro Starak another great internet marketing blog with some useful information.
29. Smartbloggerz.com- Blogging and making money online tips for more success. Another good blog with some good blog posts for you to comment on for an increase in traffic to your website, or blog.
30. Businessweek.com – Good traffic source that teaches you how to get started with your small business.
31. Techcrunch.com – The name says it all. A good traffic source and backlink for your blog, or website.
32. Sparkplugging.com – The internet marketing eggspert. Work at home resource for internet marketing home based business entrepreneurs.
33. Wahm.com – Work at home moms – they get a lot of traffic so take advantage of it they have a work at home forum for moms, a blog, and an online directory. Very cool website.
34. Yedda.com – Great traffic source a question and answer site that can bring your website, or blog a lot of visitors. Take advantage of it!
35. Yahooanswers.com – The most popular question and answer site online and it is a great traffic source if you play by the rules. Answer questions related to your website, or blogs niche for some targeted traffic. You can make a profile on Yahoo answers and include a bio about your website. When you get up to level 2 after answering a cetain amount of questions. All the links to your website become active and clickable. They can also visit your Yahoo answers profile where you will have a backlink to your website, or blog. This is a great way to increase your sites visitors.
36. reviewme.com – A cool site where you can make money by reviewing, and promoting products, and drive buzz, and traffic to your site.
37. startupnation.com – made for entrepreneurs by internet marketing entrepreneurs. Some good online business tips. They also have a forum, and a blog, so you can participate and drive targeted traffic to your own website, or blog. Plus many more options you will have to check it out to find out more info.
38. huffingtonpost.com – breaking news and opinions on this major website. They get tons of traffic so make a profile and start commenting on some posts and see your websites visitors rise.
39. 2createawebsite.com – Lisa Irby runs this website. She is also the forum owner of websitebabble.com which I mentioned above. Her website gets a lot of traffic so make sure to stop in and comment on a few of her posts on this blog. She also has very good information on this blog that has a lot to do with website creation etc….
40. Linkreferral.com – Free website advertising. You rate other peoples blogs and websites with this website. In return you earn credits for them to review and check out your website, or blog. Sort of like a traffic exchange but it does produce a little better results. Worth it to check out!
41. Youtube – One of my favorite ways to drive targeted traffic to my blogs, and websites. Youtube gets more traffic than Yahoo, and Bing combined. I bet you didn’t know that? So take advantage of it and submit some videos promoting your website, or blog. Internet marketing tip: Videos go viral, and can be shared the same way articles can. Whenever you submit a video to youtube when you are writing your videos description in the box provided make sure to include a link to your website first. For example my blog is about earning money online, and internet marketing. If I am submitting a video promoting my blog in the description box. I would leave first. Visit: https://jaysonlinereviews.com make money online, great internet marketing strategies, etc… etc… You get the point the link is then clickable when put in this format. And if the video is shared somewhere else you still have that link to your website, or blog. This is a great traffic strategy for targeted traffic to your website use it!
42. Chrisfarrell.com – Another good website this guy knows his stuff. He also runs a membership site teaching people all about internet marketing, and affiliate marketing. This website also gets a lot of traffic.
43. Safeswaps.com – This is one of my personal favorite traffic sources online. If you are trying to build up your email list this is a must join. The cost of a safeswaps membership is $15.00 a month which is chump change compared to the money I make by being a member. Not too mention all the free website traffic that I can handle.
44. Digitalpointforums – This is a very high traffic forum for you to participate in – where you will see a nice increase in your websites traffic through your forum signature link. You make a forum signature link for all forums that you join online that will be a link to your website, or blog for all you beginners reading this!
45. RSS Feeds – If your a blogger just submitting your blogs rss feed to the major rss directories will increase your website traffic.
46. Squidoo.com – Create a squidoo lens promoting your website, or blog. Many internet marketers swear by Squidoo. I swear by Hubpages. But too each their own, we all have our own opinions. But one thing we can both agree on is that Squidoo is a great traffic source.
47. Netprofitstoday.com – Run by super affiliate marketer Rosalind Gardner. She has made millions online throughout her internet marketing career and she runs a blog that can point you in that same direction. Rosalind Gardner is a very well respected marketer in the IM community. Her blog is top notch so check it out!
48. Fiverr.com – Everything you would do to make $5 bucks. You can set up gigs for yourself, or buy gigs. It is also very useful for increasing your websites traffic levels. Fivver is used by a lot of top internet marketers -myself included.
49. Social Bookmarking Sites – Make sure you submit your blog, or website to the top social bookmarking sites. Digg.com, Google bookmarks, Yahoo bookmarks, Msn Bookmarks, Stumbleupon, Delicious, Furl, Reddit, etc… etc…
50. Cool site of the day – http://www.coolsiteoftheday.com – Find cool sites and submit your site to Cool Site of the Day, a free and paid directory featuring website marketing and search engine optimization strategies. Submit your website for free and one day be featured as the cool site of the day for tons of free traffic.
51. Backpage.com – Posting classifieds is a great free way to increase your traffic to your affiliate offers, products, blogs, and websites. Backpage is very popular – it is not as popular as Craigslist obviously but it does get a lot of traffic each and every day. Tip: Post a classified in multiple cities they are usually very cheap and are a great return on investment if you choose the proper category. You can direct traffic to your favorite affiliate offer, website, or blog. Highly recommended!
52. Winning The Web – http://www.winningtheweb.com/ – Nice blog that talks about various internet marketing strategies.
53. Smartbloggers – http://www.smartbloggerz.com/ Nice blog that talks about various internet marketing strategies.
54. 5 Star Affiliate Programs – http://affiliate-blogs.5staraffiliateprograms.com/ Talks all about affiliate programs, internet marketing, and making money online.
55. Toprankblog – http://www.toprankblog.com/ Blog tips to help you make more money blogging. Very high traffic internet marketing blog that will teach you how to make more money affiliate marketing, internet marketing, and their specialty blogging. Tip: Comment on a few posts for an increase in traffic and visitors.
56. Ineedhits – http://blog.ineedhits.com/ – This blog gets a lot of traffic. With an alexa ranking of 6,864 comment on a few posts for some free targeted traffic especially if your site has anything to do with internet marketing, or making money online.
57. Thethirtydaychallenge – http://www.thirtydaychallenge.com/blog/ – This guy teaches you everything from internet marketing, how to be more productive online, and most importantly how to get more traffic to your website, blog, or affiliate offers. The same thing applies here comment on a few of his posts for some nice backlinks, and an increase in your sites visitors.
58. Andybeard – http://andybeard.eu/ – Internet marketing, lead acquisition, online business strategies, and social media topica are discussed on this blog. Good traffic levels.
59. Affiliatetip – http://blog.affiliatetip.com/ – Affiliate marketing blog by internet marketer Shawn Collins. Good alexa rank and traffic levels.
60. Search Engine Optimization Most Important Of Them All – If you do not know anything about it at least learn the basics. I offer a few recommended courses on my blog https://jaysonlinereviews.com that cover SEO in great detail. This is long lasting free traffic from the search engines which is the best kind of traffic that your website, or blog can get. If your website is optimized well you will make a lot of money assuming you are selling some decent products. Your website will see a major increase in targeted visitors all on autopilot – just by taking the time to learn how to optimize your website for the search engines. Internet marketing seo tip –Find some keywords related to whatever you are selling, use Googles free keyword research tool, and look for keywords with low competition, that are highly searched. Sprinkle these keywords into your website, or blogs content. This is just a starting point there is a lot more to learn with seo so start doing your research. But there is nothing better than free targeted buyers visiting your website because they found your website through the search engines.
***** Cool website you guys have to check out***** it is called widgetcow.com milking the web they have all kinds of free cool widgets for your websites, or blogs that I love. A must see site with some very useful widgets for all internet marketers.
Feel free to link to this blog and share this post with a friend who is struggling with their traffic levels. Increase Website Traffic ( visitors ) 50 Free Proven Strategies That Work Must Read!
To Your Online Success, Jay!