How To Earn Money Promoting Clickbank Digital Products Step By Step [NEW]

How To Earn Money Promoting Clickbank Digital Products Step By Step [NEW]

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Mentoring how to make fast money as a clickbank affiliate marketer? Affiliate marketing is a multi – billion dollar a year business.

For those of you out there who are not familiar with affiliate marketing, it is recommending a product, or service, to a potential customer.

When that customer clicks on your affiliate link, or banner,  with your tracking code in it that identifies you as the affiliate marketer.

When that customer purchases that product, or service. You will earn a commission, and make money. The more products you refer successfully the more money you will make. It is really that simple!

Info About The Clickbank Marketplace

Info About The Clickbank Marketplace

Clickbank has paid out almost 2 billion dollars by itself in affiliate commissions in it’s 10 plus years in existence ( not to shabby ).  The Clickbank marketplace is a place for vendors to offer their products, or services for affiliates to promote and earn a hefty commission. Up to an astounding 75% commission.

The vendors in the Clickbank marketplace are able to pay out that much because the products are digital in nature.

When a customer successfully purchases a digital product, or service that product that they just bought is instantly delivered to them via through the internet.

No expensive shipping, the product is delivered right after the customer pays for it.

This is why the vendors are able to offer you such a high affiliate commission for referring a sale to them.

It doesn’t cost them a thing and you actually make them money.

If the product creator, or vendor has hundreds of affiliates promoting their products for them.

You can see how this can add up quite quickly, and can be a lucrative endeavor for both parties involved.

So, How Do You Earn Money Promoting Clickbank Digital Products?

So, How Do You Earn Money Promoting Clickbank Digital Products?

There are numerous ways to make money promoting Clickbank products. But I am going to tell you the best, fastest, ways of making money promoting Clickbank products.

This is coming from someone with 5 plus years promoting Clickbank products, and services. I know from trial @ error what works? And what is a total waste of time?

Here Is How To Start A Real Legitimate At Home Business Promoting Clickbank Products. Things To Do? Things Not To Do?

Here Is How To Start A Real Legitimate At Home Business Promoting Clickbank Products. Things To Do? Things Not To Do?
  • If your looking to start a real legitimate online business as a Clickbank affiliate marketer you are going to want to buy a keyword rich domain name, and pay the low monthly fee for a self hosted WordPress blog for your new online business.  If you want to build a real online business from home these are your building blocks for internet success.
  • You are going to want to learn how to drive free targeted traffic to your new website, or blog. Without traffic you will not have any customers to your blog buying your affiliate offers. No traffic = no money. A lot of good traffic = a lot of money. There are tons of free ways to drive traffic to your blog, and affiliate offers. Here are a few good strategies. Article marketing, press releases, blog commenting, social networking, posting in online forums, adswaps, joint ventures, blogging, etc… etc….
  • Remember affiliate marketing is a business and not a get rich quick scheme. It will take you time to learn the tricks of the trade before you can hopefully quit your day job one day. This is where a good mentor can come into play if you want to speed up your learning curve. Someone who has been there and done that and can teach you to to do the same. A great mentoring, or training course I highly recommend is  called Chris Mentor Me. It is not cheap but it will pay for itself over and over again because Chris will teach you how to start and build a highly profitable online business from home. By the way Chris has made millions online so he is highly qualified to teach you how to earn money online.
  • Your next step is to start an email list and collect leads from your blogs traffic. I recommend aweber they are only a $1.00 to get started for your first month. Building an email list for your online business is the single best thing that you can do to start making a good income from home. The real money online is in the email list @ the product creation aspect which you can learn to do later on down the road.
  • I like to promote Clickbank products with a high gravity these are proven sellers. The higher the clickbank gravity the more affiliates have already successfully generated a sale from referring that Clickbank product. These affiliate products will be easier to sell for you, and boost your affiliate commissions.
  • When someone signs up for my 18 free internet marketing ebooks I always have a one time offer that they will see when they confirm that they have signed up to my email list.  This is done in your Aweber control panel by going to my lists, then list settings, then scrolling over to confirmed opt – in and putting your favorite affiliate link in the field. Your subscribers will automatically see this affiliate offer when they sign up, and some of them will buy your offer. Which equals more Clickbank money in your pockets.
  • Another aweber must is going to my lists, list settings, and then scroll over to personalize your list. In the email signature field you are going to put the html to your favorite affiliate programs that convert well, and make you money. When the code is put in correctly banners should appear most vendors provide banners to their affiliates so they can successfully promote their Clickbank products. Make sure you click save settings after successfully entering the html in the required fields. When sending out an email to your list click broadcast in your aweber control panel, your next step is too click personalize, and click the signature field and putting the signature box at the end of every email broadcast that is sent out to your list. Your banners, and affiliate offers will automatically appear at the bottom of every email broadcast that you send to your list. This tip is guaranteed to earn you more money promoting your Clickbank products or any other affiliate offers that you decide to promote.
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