Funnelkit ( Emilis Strimaitis ) | Is Funnelkit Worth The Money? Find Out In My Full Review Here And See Some Examples Of My Squeeze Page Created Using The Funnelkit WordPress Plugin:)
First off whats up and thanks for checking out my review of the Funnelkit plugin. I picked this plugin up 3 days ago because I only buy products that can make me money:) makes sense right? I seen the potential this product had to add even more email subscribers at a faster pace to my email list.
If you have not heard this saying 1,001 times before the money is in the email list so any product that is easy to install, useful, and can add more subscribers to your email list with the same amount of traffic is 10 times out of 10 times a great investment.
What Makes The Funnelkit WordPress Plugin Worth The Money?
First off it actually works as advertised no bugs yeay lol:) I bought a similar product a while back that I am not going to mention by name that flat out did not work correctly, it was filled with bugs:( So I tried Funnelkit hoping for the opposite effect of course which thankfully was the case:)
Funnelkit is a WordPress plugin so the installation was super easy. If you have ever installed a simple WordPress plugin then you know how easy it is. Go to plugins, click install new plugins, upload your Funnelkit WordPress plugin, which should be in your downloads and conveniently labeled Funnelkit so you can find it. Next step then click install, and voila your Funnelkit WordPress plugin is now activated:)
Next step enter your activation code which is sent instantly after you buy Funnelkit.
Now we are ready for the good stuff but I highly recommend that you watch the very in depth Funnelkit tutorial video that the product creator Emilis Strimaitis put together for buyers of his useful WordPress plugin that shows you step by step how to do everything under the sun with Funnelkit.
There are six easy steps inside the Funnelkit plugin filled with various options to customize your squeeze pages for optimal performance. You can click here to see a brief video walkthrough of Funnelkit to get a basic understanding of what it can do. For a full walkthrough of Funnelkit just buy the plugin and you will get a 40 minute in depth step by step tutorial video that is very thorough showing you all the bells and whistles of this plugin.
Setup is really very easy which I really like about this plugin as well as the main features like geographically targeting visitors by city, country, state, or all three based on where there I.P. address is from which the software automatically detects.
You can add Youtube video backgrounds to your squeeze pages which is a pretty cool feature.
Works great if you a member of a program like Empower Network, Pure leverage, or any similar business opportunity on the Internet because you can create your own 80% converting squeeze pages that are not the generic run of the mill squeeze pages that everyone gets as a member of these networks so you will increase your leads.
You can create squeeze pages, sales pages, landing pages, thank you pages, and webinar registration pages so the sky is truly the limit on what you can do with Funnel builder.
You can import/export pages
Create callout messages right on your squeeze pages to show your visitors a special message on why they should opt-in to your list or maybe add a limited time scarcity message to increase your conversion rates even more. This function I have only seen in Funnel builder so it is truly one of a kind.
Create redirects when someone leaves your squeeze page, and even actually before:) If you watch the demo video inside the members area it will show you how Emilis goes one step further by where the visitors mouse is on the squeeze page which is really cool:)
And many other functions not mentioned here that you can check out on the sales page for funnelbuilder.
How Much Does Funnelbuilder Cost?
You can buy a 5 site license of Funnelbuilder for a super low one time fee of $17 dollars, or an unlimited license where you can install this plugin on as many domains as you want for $27 dollars both options are a one time fee. This is a steal for the value provided in this plugin, he really should of charged $50 dollars for this plugin or more.
Real World Example Of My Squeeze Page I Built Using Funnelbuilder
Check out my squeeze page created by Funnelkit by clicking here! Pretty cool huh:)
Overall I am a big fan of this plugin. A few of my reasons are the plugin is very useful, the price is ridiculously low, and it is going to make me more money in my business. This is really is a no-brainer to pick the funnelbuilder plugin up and start increasing your list size faster so you can make more money in the process.
You can pick up Funnelbuilder by Emilis Strimaitis by clicking here!
To Your Online Success, Jay:)
P.S. Let me hear your Funnelkit Reviews Below If You Picked This Up to build your email list faster.
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