This is going to be a list of Michael Cheney and his best selling internet marketing products all hosted on the JVZoo affiliate network.
If you are an internet marketer and you want to brush up on your internet marketing skills, and learn a particular skill to make more money online in your online business, then chances are Michael Cheney affiliate marketing might have a product to fit your particular needs.
P.S. I have bought and reviewed most of Michael Cheneys products myself, and I enjoy his training style and the information provided is very helpful inside his courses.
If you want to be an affiliate for any of Michael Cheneys products, or check out one of his courses for yourself on JVZoo, the information that you are looking for is below.
Here Is A List Of Michael Cheneys Best Selling Products On The JVZoo Affiliate Network Along With How Many Sales Each Particular Product Has Generated.
1. Fan Page Money Method – 11,500 sales and on the first page of the JVZoo all time best sellers list. The name of the product pretty much sums up the product it teaches affiliate marketers how to make money with there Facebook fanpages.
2. The Commission Machine – This is Michael Cheneys flagship affiliate marketing training course that has sold 11,000 plus units to date. ( Highly recommended: If your new to affiliate marketing this is the course to start with ).
3. Commission Black Opps – This is Michael Cheneys second course that was released that is geared towards affiliate marketers that has sold 6,500 units thus far.
4. Commission Cartel – This course is more advanced internet marketing strategies for affiliates and has sold 6,500 copies this would be the third course to buy if you want to learn a little more advanced affiliate marketing strategies and you already have some affiliate sales under your belt.
5. Childs Play Profits – Childs play profits teaches you how to create your own digital products online. The name Childs play profits signifies the ease of training that is taught that even a child can do it following Michaels step by step training. This course has sold 1,500 units on the JVZoo affiliate network.
6. Email Black Opps – This course was really well put together and had some really good tips on how to write emails that convert into sales, when I went through it and did my review of it. Email Black opps Has sold close to 500 copies so far.
*email marketing is where the majority of your earnings are going to come from if you are an online business owner or internet marketer.
*There are a few more courses that Michael Cheney affiliate marketing has released that I have left out and they are all pretty popular but the list above covers his JVZoo all time best sellers.
7. Michael Cheneys 7 Figure Franchise – This is a franchise opportunity where you get access to every product that Michael Cheney has ever created for your personal use as well as 100% commissions across his whole product line including upsells, downsells, and recurring income streams, you also can earn $1,000 instant Paypal commissions, You get access to World class affiliate marketing training, coaching access for 30 days to Michael Cheney himself, free traffic training, everything is basically done for you.
- Michael Cheneys 7 franchise business opportunity is pretty new but people are seeing the value in it and investing in this business opportunity. Michael Cheney has sold a few hundred licenses so far but they are selling fast.
Update: New Michael Cheney Affiliate Marketing Best Sellers For 2021
- Traffic Academy With Tom Woods @ Michael Cheney – 2 7 figure earners team up to show you the 1 skill you must master to make money online as an affiliate marketer. Want to learn how to open the floodgates of traffic and amke a lot more money from your affiliate marketing business? Let 2 of the best traffic experts and internet marketers in the business Micahel Cheney and Tom Woods show you step by step how. They show you how to master traffic generation in this course.
- Content Empire With Michael Cheney Affiliate Marketing – How to turn a measly $3 dollars into $3500 a month by learning from Michael Cheney internet marketing how to build your own content empire and build yourself the affiliate marketing business of your dreams. You will learn all about search engine optimization, the tools you will need, and how to get a ton of free traffic from Google to build the business of your dreams. Taught By 20 year super affiliate marketer Michael Cheney! [ This course is highly recommended by me! ]
There are a few more courses that Michael Cheney internet marketing has released that I have left out and they are all pretty popular but the list above covers his JVZoo all time best sellers.
Michael Cheney is one of the best internet marketers to learn from because he has made millions online in his 20 year career as an affiliate marketer.
If one of the Michael Cheneys newer courses above interests you, I say take the plunge, you will not regret it.