This Is Going To Be The Definitive Guide To Making Money Online In 2017 As An Affiliate Marketer And The Steps You Need To Take To Get Started Making Money Online That Comes Complete With How To Video Training.

Quick About Me: I am a JVZoo top affiliate who always gets approved for instant commissions because I have so many affiliate sales under my belt over the years. I also promote many other high quality independent affiliate products as well as being an Amazon affiliate.
I have also created a few of my own digital product that teaches people how to earn money online through affiliate marketing.
This is my newest affiliate marketing training course and this is my flagship course jays affiliate marketing bootcamp feel feel to check them both out.
My Youtube channel has 14,000 subscribers where I show people how to make money online as an affiliate marketer you can check it out and subscribe by clicking here.
I also run a handful of blogs my newest one being http://bleekee.com a fun photo, video, audio, sharing blog that also offers free advertising:) it’s a fun little site feel free to stop in sometime.
I also run http://funnymarketer.com where I share my favorite emails that I have written myself to my personal email list that is sure to tickle your funny bone.
Who wants to be bored when reading emails right;)
This is my main site where you are reading this blog post https://jaysonlinereviews.com where I teach people how to make money online, do product reviews, and whatever else my little heart desires:) This site is well established at 9 years old and quite a bit of traffic.
I have been an affiliate marketer for ten years now, so I am speaking from tons of experience, and a ton of affiliate sales that I have earned throughout the years.
So listen closely if you want to learn how to make money online as an affiliate I have the know how and background to help you make it happen.
So let’s dive in, and let me show you how to make some money online and get started ok?
So What Exactly Is Affiliate Marketing? How Do I Make Money Online In 2017 As An Affiliate Marketer?
Affiliate marketing in the simplest terms possible is promoting a product or service online in exchange for a commission.
Making money online through affiliate marketing is a multi-billion dollar yearly legitimate business model where product creators need affiliates like you to promote there products or services, because they would not make anywhere near the amount of sales that they do without there affiliate army promoting there goods and services.
Make sense?
Amazon built its multi-billion dollar business using an affiliate army and they still do so today.
How is Amazon doing today? Hmmmm they are a multi-billion dollar company so you tell me:) Amazon is a household name, and they are the masters of the upsell, so as an Amazon affiliate if you sell one product through your Amazon affiliate link, and that particular customers buys 5 more products, then you get credited for all of the sales.
Pretty cool huh?
If you decide that you want to be an Amazon associate and make money online through Amazon here is the link to sign up for there affiliate program click here.
Learn the basics of affiliate marketing before you decide to go out there on your own and waste a bunch of time when you do not know the first thing about how to make money online.
Learn from someone who has a ton of experience and has been there and done that so that your learning curve will rise sharply.
That is why I highly recommend that you sign up for my free training course on how to make money online it is awesome and taught by me an experienced profitable ten year affiliate marketer.
They say a video is worth a million words so sit back and let me explain how to make money online as an affiliate for beginners below.
Why Is Affiliate Marketing The Perfect Business Model For Anyone Looking To Make Some Extra Income From There Home Computer In My Opinion?
Affiliate marketing is a very legitimate business model like I stated above, but another benefit is the low cost of starting up an affiliate business to get started you can basically do it for free you will just be trading your spare time for money essentially. Try doing that with a brick n mortar business how much money do you think it was to get your local Mcdonalds or Kohls started as an example? A whole heck of a lot of money and with any business you are not guaranteed success! Just think of all the local mom n pop shops that went out of business when Walmart moved into town. Starting an Internet business as an affiliate marketer is a great way to make money online that has low risk, and potentially a very high reward. Heck, who does not like to make money while they are sleeping:) With a home based business that is a reality for a lot of folks who put the work in to make good stuff happen for themselves.
So Jay, What Are Some Good Affiliate Programs That I Can Sign Up With For Free To Find Great Products To Make Money Online With You Ask?
That is a good question:) I will stop talking in third person:) there are plenty of affiliate programs out there that you can sign up for free, and find potentially lucrative affiliate programs to promote. I am going to go through my favorite affiliate programs that you can earn money through in 2017 that I myself have been doing for years:) These will be complete with how to videos at the end of the content so enjoy your free training comrades:)
Here Are My Favorite Affiliate Program That You Can Earn Money Online Using Followed By A Few Videos That Will Explain These Affiliate Programs In Detail.
- Amazon Affiliate Program – Amazon is a household name where you can promote any Amazon product and when someone buys through your Amazon ad bar or banner than you earn a commission. The benefits of making money with the Amazon affiliate program are numerous because people will not hesitate to buy anything through Amazon because it is a household name. There are millions and millions of potential products that you can promote as an affiliate and make money online doing so, as well as Amazon being the masters of the upsell so they will potentially sell you customers numerous other products in the sales process driving more money into your bank account in the process. If you want to learn more about making money with Amazon click here.
- Clickbank – I have a few videos on how to make money with Clickbank that have over 300,000 views a piece that were published a few years back but they are still as relevant today as the day that I created them. Clickbank is the leading digital affiliate program in the World that is based in Boise Idaho. Clickbank has paid out over 3 Billion dollars since it first came onto the marketing scene in 1997. They specialize in digital products from ebooks, courses, and software in every profitable niche that you could imagine. Digital products pay anywhere from 50 to a whopping 100% commissions because it does not cost the vendor anything after the product is created, they can sell that digital product over and over again, and will gladly pay you well to make them more sales and money in the process. ( The Clickbank training video will be directly below so you can watch it and familiarize yourself with how to make money with Clickbank ).
- JVZoo – JVZoo is awesome they are also a digital affiliate program and this Internet business is rocking! This is the go to place to find affiliate products to promote in the make money online niche, and the internet marketing niche in general. JVZoo is like Clickbank but on a smaller scale, and the main difference between JVzoo and Clickbank is that JVZoo pays out instant commissions directly to your Paypal account once you have a certain amount of sales under your belt. I myself have thousands of sales, but I have been doing this for years. Some vendors ask for 25, some 50, some 100, it all depends on the product that you are promoting. Until you build up your portfolio, you will be set on delayed commissions, and be paid after the 30 day refund period has passed. You can watch my free video below where I explain how to make money online with JVZoo in 2017 from getting started, picking the right affiliate products, etc….
- IndependentAffiliate Networks – There are a ton of independent affiliate programs that you can also sign up for like nanacast, zaxaa, and infusionsoft. These independent affiliate programs usually have more high end affiliate programs that you can choose to promote, and you are paid usually 30 or 60 days after the sale.
Here Are A Few Of My How To Videos That Will Show You Step By Step How To Make Money With Clickbank And JVZoo
The Difference Between Traditional Affiliate Marketing Where You Get Paid Per Sale And C.P.A. Or Cost Per Action Affiliate Marketing Where You Get Paid Per Action Performed?
With traditional affiliate marketing which I run my internet business mainly through you are paid for referring a sale, not a click or a completed email signup form.
C.P.A. or cost per action affiliate marketing you are paid per referral depending on what you choose to promote it could be a visitor downloads something, or fills out an email form.
When that particular action is performed then you are paid it is as simple as that.
C.P.A. Commissions range from a few dollars all the way up to hundreds of dollars depending on the offer, and how lucrative the niche is. .
* I have personally seen really high paying c.p.a. offers you just have to dig a little. *
C.P.A. marketing is a great way to make money online in 2017 mixed with traditional affiliate marketing offers.
Here are the 2 most popular C.P.A. networks that you can sign up for free below.
- Maxbounty
- Peerfly
Here Is How To Get Started With Cost Per Action Affiliate Offers – How To Make Money Online With C.P.A. Offers Training For Newbies ( New For 2017. )
The Importance Of Starting And Building An Email List If You Want To Make Good Money Online One Day.
If you only do one thing when it comes to your online business start and learn how to build an email list.
I cannot stress this enough it is pretty much mandatory nowadays if you want to make a steady income from affiliate marketing.
About 90% of my income comes from my email list.
I bet that statistic flipped that lightbulb switch in your head;)
The alternative is building a huge social media presence and living on Facebook = no fun.
Of course build up your social media presence but never ignore the power of your own email list.
But, you have to know how to do it right so I will leave you a few tips.
Steps To Take To Build Your Email List
- Look into Aweber, or Getresponse they offer free trials for a month the last time I checked.
- You need to build a high converting landing page or squeeze page this is who I use click here.
- See the big link directly below this guy is an email marketing genius he made $1.1 million in 2016 and this year he is set to more than double that number.
Ok Moving On:) I Hope Your Learning A Few Things;)
Should You Start A Website To Promote Your Internet Business? To Start A Website Or Not To Start A Website That Is The Question I Am Going To Answer For You
I personally would recommend that you do start a website because it is an asset that you control and you can earn money online with your Internet business for years to come.
Yes, it takes work like anything in life, but like anything in life that is worthwhile, it takes work to create success, and build up your home based business.
The benefits of starting your own website are numerous, the first being you can promote anything that you want as an affiliate to make money online as long as it is legal of course.
If you are thinking about starting an Internet business on a free blogging platform like Blogger.com or WordPress.com think again you are essentially building your business on quicksand, they can shut down your online business for whatever reason that they deem fit for breaking there t.o.s. which are constantly changing.
Not to mention on the free WordPress.com platform you are not allowed to promote affiliate links!
Do not do it, trust me. I have been there, and done that years ago, and they shut me down. Luckily, I had just transferred my blogger.com blog over to my self hosted WordPress blog right before tragedy struck.
Do not make the same mistake I did you beginners out there who are new to making money online . I am hear to save you some time, energy, lost productivity, and hassle.
If you are smart, and see the potential in starting your own website. I would definitely go the WordPress.org route this is a self hosted blogging platform that I use on all my blogs, and so do thousands and thousands of other internet marketers and entrepreneurs from around the World.
WordPress.org is the gold standard for blogging.
If you do decide to start a website use the link below, these guys are great, they can help you download WordPress.org on your new website by phone and show you how to install WordPress step by step that is what customer support is for:) it really is not that difficult at all, so do not be scared to learn new things, these are skills that will last a lifetime.
Click Here For My Recommended Webhost If You Want To Start A Website Go With These Guys.
But If You Do Not Want To Start A Website Here Is A Video That Will Give You Some Ideas On How To Promote Affiliate Products Successfully Without A Website
Free Ways To Drive Traffic To Your Affiliate Offers In 2017 So You Can Make Money Online
I actually put together a huge list of free and paid traffic sources where you promote your affiliate offers you can check it out by clicking here. Just check your email after you sign up, and make sure you use an email that you check often, so you get my future blog updates, product reviews, and the newest ideas to make money online with your Internet business in 2017 and well into the future.
List Of Alternative Ways To Make Money Online In 2017
MLM or Network Marketing – There are more than one way to make money online but my definite favorite Internet business model is affiliate marketing as you can see:) You can get involved with a multi-level marketing company and recruit people into your upline – and downline this is a potentially very lucrative business model as well if you do not mind pestering friends, and family and you are a natural born salesman, or woman. There are a lot of people who are great at direct marketing or mlm opportunities and make a ton of money but I myself am not one of them. If you do decide to go the mlm route make sure that it is a startup company with great potential to build a thriving Internet business, because the ground level is where you want to be if the company explodes then you will have the potential to earn a lot of money with your online business. If the company has been around for twenty years it is a good sign that it is and was a great business model but most of the people at the top are earning all the money. Ground level equals a lot more potential in my opinion:)
Fiverr – What would you do for five dollars? Lol I myself use this site all the time and outsource a lot of the work with my Internet business that I do not want to do myself. But did you know that you can start an Internet business selling your services on Fiverr? Do you have a service that people would be willing to pay you to perform? If yes, then people will pay you for every gig that you complete, and as the sales roll in and you start moving up in the Fiverr World you can start charging for higher end services that you will perform for your customers like $20, $50, and even $100 gigs and more.
Just brainstorm some ideas for earning money with Fiverr and get some gigs posted and see if you get any sales. You can always do this in combination with affiliate marketing so you can build up your capital to reinvest back into your Internet business:) Just an idea:)
But as you can see I am totally biased towards affiliate marketing and it is by far the best way to make money online in 2017 and well into the future.
Your Comments Are Appreciated Below:) Please Share This Blog Post On Your Favorite Social Network, It Took Me A Long Time To Put Together For You:)